Tag: birds

A Pacific-slope flycatcher surveys its surroundings.

The Whistler in the Woods

Birders measure the arrival of spring not by a date on the calendar, but by the sounds of birds returning from winter warmth in the South. From March to May, over two dozen species of migrant songbirds arrive for breeding in West Sound. … read more

The Joy of Gardening

The Joy of Gardening

In the remoteness of a Bainbridge Island neighborhood lies a retreat in an English-inspired garden. Native apple, plum and pear trees that line the street create privacy, and tall grasses encompass the garden that Lori McFarlin has come to call her sanctuary. This … read more

Female hairy woodpeckers in a territorial dispute

Size Doesn’t Matter in the World of Woodpeckers

All birds have their place in the ecosystems in which they live. Some are “keystone” species that other creatures rely on, making them a critical component of their respective biomes. Among the keystone species of birds are woodpeckers. As the name suggests, woodpeckers … read more

A fox sparrow blends in with the surrounding leaf litter as it nibbles on a sunflower seed.

A Sparrow That Stands Out While Blending In

Abbreviations abound in the world of birds. Species names are simplified with four-letter alpha codes for taking faster field notes and long names have shorter nicknames. The lingo causes confusion among even experienced birders, let alone beginners. Then there are the hard-to-discern birds … read more

Male red-breasted merganser

A Bad Hair Day is Fine for This Duck

Birds come in all shapes and sizes, with adaptations specific to the habitats in which they live. Some birds reside in forests, while others are from the desert. Many wade along the water’s edge and others prefer to go swimming. Among those who … read more

An agile chestnut-backed chickadee hangs upside down from the tips of pine needles while searching for insects.

Cherish the Charming Chickadees

For years, people have debated the appropriateness of feeding wild birds. Some argue that birds rely on feeders instead of looking for natural food sources. Actually, few birds truly depend on backyard feeders. Many species use feeders with appropriate food choices for a … read more

A common nighthawk rests on a tree branch, where it resembles a knot of wood from a distance.

The Cryptic Bird of Summer Twilight

Numerous species of migratory birds breed in West Sound. Many travel thousands of miles from wintering grounds in Mexico and Central America. The later a bird arrives, the farther it has traveled. These species, called long-distance migrants, sometimes spend the nonbreeding season in … read more


Puget Sound birds

Kitsap County Chapter of Ducks Unlimited Recognized Nationally

Ducks Unlimited recently announced the top volunteer chapters across the nation honored in three categories for their conservation fundraising efforts. The Kitsap County Chapter received the President’s Roll of Honor, given to chapters that raised between $65,000 and $99,999. Ducks Unlimited Inc. is … read more

A northern pygmy-owl contemplates its next move after being discovered by a flock of angry chickadees.

A Ferocious Predator Disguised as a Cute Little Owl

When people think of fierce, predatory birds, the species that come to mind are bald eagles, peregrine falcons and great horned owls. These birds are not picky and will take anything they can grab. When you see a small owl, the initial reaction … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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