Tag: 0009

Boat Shed

The Boat Shed at Manette — An Eclectic Mix of Fine and Casual Dining

Celebrating its 40th year in business, the Boat Shed Restaurant at the base of the Manette Bridge is fast becoming the latest destination eatery for locals and Seattleites alike. From the humble beginnings as a longtime bait shop discovered in the late 1970s … read more

The Panama Canal
Travel Bug

The Panama Canal — World’s Greatest Shortcut

You don’t need to be an engineer or construction worker or sea merchant to appreciate it. In fact, it’s just as fascinating for its historic, geologic and economic attributes. The Panama Canal is one of the ultimate modern-day structures of the world, and … read more

Biz in Bremerton

Biz in Bremerton

It started out at my ArtHouse in Bremerton with a casual afternoon tea party with a few friends, each having had an art business in Bremerton around the turn of the new century. We wanted to talk about the changes in Bremerton and … read more

Gig Harbor Garden Tour

Gig Harbor Garden Tour

Gardeners seem to be some of the happiest and nicest people on Earth. There is something euphoric about getting one’s hands in the soil, planting little sprouts and seeds, and watching them become beautiful, living things. As if that weren’t enough to make … read more

North Carolina Botanical Garden’s “A Hedge against Extinction”

Art in the Garden

"Attract the eye, and the feet will follow."...

Art is an integral part of our lives and is present in our homes, landscapes and public spaces. Gardens have long been a place for art installations, a practice that dwells in history. Even ancient gardens needed structures, and out of that need … read more

Carla with Tribe

Capturing the Captivating Human Figure

Among the dozens of paintings that hang in Carla O’Connor’s Olalla studio is a tiny, framed crayon drawing of a purple cow. It’s the very first picture O’Connor ever drew — when she was just 3 years old. Another small, framed drawing of … read more

(Photo courtesy Decks & Patio Covers)
Cover Feature

The Art of the Deck — Make Your Outdoor Living Last

After surviving last winter, who isn’t contemplating how to get more summer out of the months ahead? According to Doug Woodside of Decks and Patio Covers in Kingston, it’s simple — create an outdoor living space. He says clients call him years after … read more

Decorative ceiling treatment by Tableaux Decorative Grilles
Design|Build 2019B

2019 Design & Construction Week

Showcasing the latest innovations in the residential design...

The 75th International Builders’ Show, along with the 55th Kitchen & Bath Industry Show, blanketed the Las Vegas Convention Center in February while a dusting of snow fell on the city at large. About 2,000 exhibitor booths were available in the 1 million … read more


How to Identify Common Rhodie Problems

Rhododendrons are beginning to bloom their hearts out. They thrive in this region but are not without their share of hungry pests and sneaky diseases. A little understanding of common rhododendron problems is useful for maintaining healthy specimens. Trying to identify plant problems … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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