Tag: 0007

A Garden for Tea

A Garden for Tea

Tea time will stop business in some cultures; it can also conjure up images of romantic and floriferous parties or bring warm relaxation to a cold winter day. Tea… Is it a ritual, an herb or a beverage? Technically, tea is the plant … read more

Hiring a Professional Designer Can Be Money Well Spent

Hiring a Professional Designer Can Be Money Well Spent

Despite the downturn in the national and local economy, remodeling of existing homes is on the rise. This is due, in part, to the fact that the average age of homes in our area is well over 30 years old, coupled with the … read more


Knickknacks — The Little Treasures

“They should be outlawed,” said Pat Barber, a longtime volunteer at Faith in Action Thrift Shop. “First, a ceramic dolphin, then two, then friends were gifting me dolphins and it became a dusting nightmare.” The Belfair thrift shop is one of my project … read more

Renovating a Collector's Garden

Renovating a Collector’s Garden

This isn’t about the design of a new garden; this is all about an existing one. As the garden ever changes, much can be said about how it grows and develops character. Then there are the spaces that do not age gracefully; the … read more

Mad About Mudrooms

Mad About Mudrooms

These transitional spaces help keep your home mess-free

Picture your kitchen counter. Is it a dumping ground for mail, backpacks, briefcases, coupons and family messages that usually get lost in the shuffle? Do you yearn for a serene, organized location to store frequently used items, house grubby shoes and to act … read more

Hobby Greenhouse

A Primer on Buying a Hobby Greenhouse

All gardeners have a wish list: new plants to try, a load of compost delivered, a potting shed, etcetera, but there is one thing that always seems to top the list — a greenhouse. Imagine how the midwinter blues melt away as you … read more

Eight Degrees of Inspiration

Eight Degrees of Inspiration

Elegant angles add interest to a beautiful Bainbridge...

A constricted waterfront lot. Complicated drain field regulations. Dreams of an elegant yet budget-conscious home. Hardly a job for the average architect. What the owners of this construction conundrum at the mouth of Fletcher Bay needed was a puzzle master, and they found … read more

Hamamelis x intermedia, witch hazel Small trees, choice in the Pacific Northwest. Shredded-cheese blossoms in yellows and bronzes appear at the end of winter and last for several weeks. Most varieties are fragrant. They take full sun or partial shade.

The Voodoo Garden — Good Help is Hard to Find

Welcome to my garden. Open the gate and step in, but mind the brambles and thorns. Careful to not crush the bleeding heart. Don’t bump the spiny eccentricity of the Solanum pyracanthum unless you like a good blood-letting. And watch the vines; they … read more

The author's bat house was graciously built by neighbor John McGhee for about $65 in materials. The house was constructed of 1 inch, by 8 inch, by 8 foot cedar boards cut to size with a total height from ground level of 13 feet. The area below the house provides plenty of horizontal and vertical space for bats to fly safely — free from obstruction and predators.

Build a Better Bat House

You may have heard that bats are wonderful for insect control. They certainly are — a bat can eat as many as 1,000 insects an hour. By devouring mosquitoes, crane flies and other pests, they protect crops and human health. In many parts … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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