Tag: 0005

Corner Hutch

Return of the Corner Hutch

Corner hutch popularity is like a rollercoaster. A few years back, I professed the easy availability and need for these space-efficient cupboard/shelf units with one purpose — to hold “things.” Repeating over and over that they are easy to find, easy to repair … read more


Kids In The Kitchen

Kids and Kitchens: A Healthy Mix

It’s that time of year when farmers markets are in full swing, offering up a full complement of healthy, locally grown foods. Are you getting your recommended daily allowance of nutrients? What about your kids? Instilling good eating habits in our children is … read more


Greenhouse Lighting
Gardening With Peg

How to Start Veggies and Other Plants from Seeds

There are many reasons why gardeners decide to start plants from seed. It can be vegetable seeds for growing, harvesting and eating produce, or non-edible annuals to merely decorate containers and other areas of the garden or to attract pollinators. The main reason … read more

Bainbridge Vineyards

The Wine Cabinet — Bainbridge Vineyards

Bainbridge Vineyards is the new name of what was once Gerard and JoAnne Bentryn’s Bainbridge Island Winery and Vineyards, located at the same address. The winery closed in 2009 following the Bentryns’ retirement. Ms. Betsey Wittick and a group of volunteers maintained the … read more

Garden Planning

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Garden Planning • Moles and Tunneling Critters

Time to Plan and Learn When gardens are dormant, it’s the perfect time to take a class — or two or more. Check with your favorite local nursery and the WSU Kitsap County Extension Office for upcoming opportunities. Here are just a few … read more


Victorian style W.W. Seymour Botanical Conservatory in winter, 1989-91

Conservatories, Greenhouses, Cold Frames and Sunrooms

In the 1980s I worked for the Tacoma Park District at the W.W. Seymour Conservatory and at the Point Defiance Greenhouses. We had a little gift shop at the conservatory with plants for sale. Occasionally we would get a customer who wanted advice … read more

Childproofing your home

How Childproof is Your Home?

Safety is a concern for everyone, especially parents. An important part of raising children is careful supervision of their activities in the home. Parents need to be aware of their children’s surroundings at all times in order to anticipate and prevent potential injury. … read more

The Captured Garden

The Captured Garden

In the summer of 1829, Dr. Nathaniel Ward placed the chrysalis of an adult sphinx moth in an enclosed glass container so he could observe the moth’s emergence. The soil he placed in the container sprouted seeds and spores, as natural soils will … read more

Tips for Planting Out of Season

Tips for Planting Out of Season

Normally, the best time of the year to plant any plant, including our native plants, is during the dormant season. In Western Washington, that time is generally late October through early February. Fall planted plants have a longer time to take advantage of … read more

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