Tag: 0004


green beans

The Garden Bean Gets Its Due in 2021

There are many species of beans in cultivation around the world, yet it’s the common garden bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, that takes on celebrity status as National Garden Bureau’s vegetable focus for 2021. One of the earliest cultivated plants, garden beans can trace their … read more

Gig Harbor

Historic Downtown Gig Harbor

Any discussion of downtowns on the Kitsap Peninsula has to include the Gig Harbor historic downtown waterfront district. Centered around the famous Harborside Avenue, Gig Harbor’s downtown has many shops and restaurants, along with stunning views of Puget Sound and Mount Rainier. On … read more

Young Entrepreneur Naya Patterson
Young Entrepreneurs

Naya Patterson — Young Designer with a Mature Attitude

Young Naya Patterson created her company, Make Believe Photography, in 2014. She got the idea for the name from her previous competition horse, “Make Believe,” as the equestrian world is full of photographers who are constantly needed for sales, competitions and barn photos. … read more


Easter bunny butt cake

A Hoppy Easter Cake

Easter is almost here, and the big bunny himself will be hopping around in no time delivering goodies. Celebrate with this delicious and colorful Easter Bunny Butt Cake. It can bring smiles and laughter while putting everyone in a light, joyful mood. This … read more


exercise gardening

Top 10 Reasons to Garden

Mobile phones, tablets and apps have become the tools of modern lives. But it wasn’t that long ago that a shovel, a patch of soil and a bag of seeds were the only tools needed to provide sustenance and satisfaction. With the 2020 … read more


id theft

How to Protect Yourself from Fraud When Shopping Online

AICPA survey shows most Americans believe ID theft...

Where do you see yourself in a year? If you’re like most Americans, you might expect to be dealing with the financial fallout of identity theft. Three in five Americans (60 percent) believe it’s likely that identity theft will cause them a financial … read more


girl painting

How to Build Creativity in Children — Online and Offline (Part 1)

Creativity is a fundamental building block of our humanity. It’s the relentless engine that’s driven progress since the dawn of time and propelled us toward so many of our greatest achievements, from democracy and Darwinism to the Mona Lisa and the moon landing. … read more

Male red-breasted merganser

A Bad Hair Day is Fine for This Duck

Birds come in all shapes and sizes, with adaptations specific to the habitats in which they live. Some birds reside in forests, while others are from the desert. Many wade along the water’s edge and others prefer to go swimming. Among those who … read more


fall cleanup

Your Fall Home and Yard Maintenance Checklist

Regularly checking your home for maintenance needs throughout the year is the best way to keep the home safe and prevent the need for costly emergency repairs. But fall is one time of year when you really need a thorough, systematic inspection to … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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