Tag: 0002

Cedar waxwing

Nature’s Bounty in the Fall — The Table is Set for the Birds

From late summer into early fall, the wild bird population reaches its highest numbers for the year. This year’s young account for the increase. The population boom coincides with nature’s fall abundance. Many birds, including this year’s young, won’t survive the winter. Their … read more

Roxanne Bryson

Unsung Hero — Roxanne Bryson

Executive Director, Holly Ridge Center

Roxanne Bryson’s inspiring and motivating leadership style is behind the success of the Holly Ridge Center. A servant-leader who puts others first, she has a passion for ensuring that children and adults with different disabilities receive the support they need to live to … read more


Fresh Veggies

Fresh Food Revolution is a Step Up to Sustainability

The Fresh Food Revolution Co-op on the Key Peninsula began in 2010 when a small group of fresh-food enthusiasts wanted a way to support local growers. They found a delivery site and busily set about connecting consumers with food producers. In 2011, an … read more


S'mores Pops

How to Sweeten Summer Celebrations with S’mores

Whether it’s a backyard barbecue, a block party or movie night, you can sweeten summer fun and celebrations with an iconic treat. August 10, National S’mores Day, is a great reminder to make the most of summer. This year, consider going beyond the … read more


Pigeon Guillemot

Pigeon Guillemot — the Whistler

There is at least one bird that really whistles. Most of the time, when you hear what sounds like a whistling bird, it is air passing through its feathers when it flies. This “whistler” is a small, black bird seen on Northwest waters … read more


Planting Perennials
Gardening With Peg

How to Plant a Perennial Fall Container

Containers packed with plants provide garden pizzazz. Even though this blog and video are about containers for fall to winter enjoyment, they are actually planted up in mid to late summer. Plants often live happily in containers for anywhere from five to seven … read more


Mossy rose gall

Mossy Rose Gall — A Fascinating Pest

I love plants with interesting foliage, be it the striking color, shape or fragrance. Rosa glauca, with her lovely bluish foliage, captured me the first time I saw it. Its flowers and hips are a bonus, always appreciated for their color and delicate … read more


Farmer's Market

Veggies, Flowers and Meats — Oh My! Downtown Gig Harbor Farmers Market Booms

Every Thursday afternoon, more than 40 farmers and food producers gather at Skansie Brothers Park on Gig Harbor’s picturesque waterfront in order to supply eager shoppers with organic and sustainably produced local fare. Organized as a collaborative effort between the city of Gig … read more


Deception Pass

How Long is Truly Our West Sound Coastline? It’s a Bit of a Paradox

The length of our coastline depends on the...

By simply using prominent points around the peninsula and measuring by the mile, the Coastal Zone Atlas of Washington (a product of the Washington State Department of Ecology) says the coastline of Kitsap County is 246 miles, Mason County’s 218 miles and Pierce … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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