Tag: 0002


Earth Day Awards

Kitsap County Commissioners, Public Works surprise winners of ‘Earth Day awards’

Kitsap County Public Works has presented the annual Earth Day awards since the early 1990s. The awards are presented to individuals, organizations, schools and businesses for their distinguishing environmental programs or projects. In the past, the recognition ceremony took place at the Board … read more


Linda's Ruby Red Salad
In the Market Now

Beets, Cabbage and (Dried) Cherries! Oh MY!

Visiting a health minded friend in Arizona recently, we were served a most delicious, crunchy and satisfying salad that utilized market-fresh ingredients. My friend, Linda, lives in a community where everything is trucked in, and seasonal items are not the focus of her … read more

Greater yellowlegs

An Estuary in the Spring

Webster’s Dictionary defines the term “estuary” as “what is commonly called a ‘wetland,’ as an inlet or arm of the sea; especially the lower portion or wide mouth of a river, where the salty tide meets the freshwater current.” Wetland is a popular … read more


Grace Episcopal Church Labyrinth

The Meditation Labyrinths of Kitsap County

Overlooking a bluff with a view of Puget Sound, Bainbridge Halls Hill Labyrinth and its Community Tibetan Prayer Wheel is a peace-filled oasis of Asian-themed landscaping complementing an artist-built labyrinth and hand-cast bronze prayer wheel. Not easy to find if you don’t know the … read more


Anderson Point

Trails for Fun and Fitness in Your Big Backyard on the Kitsap Peninsula

Let’s face it: Whether you’re a hiker, walker or runner, life can get in the way when it comes to putting time in on the trail. Far too often, it’s hard for most of us to set aside an hour — never mind … read more

Ernie McCluskey

Unsung Hero — Ernie McCluskey

Chaplain, Martha & Mary

As Martha & Mary’s chaplain, Ernie McCluskey’s main role is to perform church services and provide spiritual counseling for residents, patients, families and staff. But McCluskey does much more than that. An artist who has exhibited his work, he also coordinates the Art … read more


Using correct soil mixes and mulches is critical to a thriving, functional rain garden. (Photo by Zsofia Pasztor)

Why Does the Northwest Need Rain Gardens?

An Excerpt from 'Rain Gardens for the Pacific...

Here in the Pacific Northwest, we all love looking at the mountains and ocean, lakes and creeks, our huge evergreen trees and silvery sagebrush, and the vast fields and endless horizons stretching out both east and west of the mountains. That is why … read more

Black-capped chickadee

Winter is Birdhouse Time

Winter is the best time to think about birdhouses. The birds are starting to think about where they will nest once spring arrives. Where houses are already in place, it isn’t unusual to see chickadees exploring them in January and February. They may … read more


The Wine Cabinet — Late Harvest, Ice and Port Wines

St. Valentine’s Day is always a special day at our house for a number of reasons: It’s the day we celebrate love, especially love of family because it was my father’s birthday. Marrying my wife was the best thing I’ve ever done in … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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