Tag: 0002

A small flock of sanderlings retreats from an incoming wave on the beach near Ocean Shores.

A Speedy Sandpiper and a High-Mileage Flyer

Shorebirds are a family of birds that live up to their name. They inhabit the shore. Some live on rocky shores, while others prefer sandy beaches. A late-fall trip to virtually any Western Washington beach provides an excellent opportunity for finding a variety … read more

Derrin Doty — Resident of Silverdale, married, three children and two cats
Unsung Hero

Derrin Doty

Owner/Agent of an Allstate Insurance Agency and Head...

A former professional baseball player, Derrin Doty got involved with Kitsap youth sports after his family moved to Poulsbo in 1999. He had recently served as head coach for Olympic College baseball and in 2001, was asked to help coach a North Kitsap … read more


Vanilla Walnut Whipped Cream

Recipe for Walnut Pumpkin Cream Cheese Tart with Vanilla Walnut Whipped Cream

One of the best parts of the holidays is the aromas and flavors of the season, from walnuts and cinnamon to peppermint and nutmeg. Sweet treats and mouthwatering desserts can bring family and friends around the table to celebrate the season together, one … read more

Want to Host a Potluck?

It's All in the Planning

Bringing together friends in your home and sharing a meal is one of life’s great pleasures. Consider a potluck. It will be a wonderful dinner with everyone contributing. 1. Choose a theme — (Fall harvest, Mexican fare, etc.) so everything will fit together. … read more


Roosting pockets provide some needed insulation for birds and are easy for them to enter and exit. (Photo courtesy Gardeners Supply Company)

Gift Ideas for Bird Watchers and Gardeners

Give a gift that provides beauty, entertainment and health benefits throughout the year. With the recent increase in people gardening and bird watching, what could be more perfect than a gift that supports both interests? Birds visiting feeders, munching on the coneflower seeds … read more


garage conversions

A Guide to Garage Remodeling

In many homes, garages are unused spaces that have untapped potential. Renovating your garage takes fewer resources than adding on an additional area to your home, while still maximizing floor space. Garage renovations can improve your quality of life and add value to … read more


arkansas possum pie

Recipe for Arkansas Possum Pie

The star of your next spread can be hidden away in the refrigerator for a surprise delight for your guests. It’s topped with chocolate syrup and chopped pecans, and your loved ones just may vote it to be their favorite dish. It’s an … read more

A Bonaparte’s gull in nonbreeding plumage bursts out of the water after successfully catching a fish at Point No Point County Park.

A Small Gull That Puts on a Big Show

Gulls. Often erroneously calling them “seagulls,” people either despise or delight in them. As scavengers, gulls keep our beaches clean. As social birds, they can be hilarious to watch, thanks to their antics, especially when fighting over the delectable flesh of dead, smelly … read more


Projects to Consider Before Seasonal Changes

Quick, Inexpensive Home Maintenance Projects for Your Weekend

Home maintenance. The very words might evoke thoughts of an entire weekend spent laboring at home instead of relaxing in it, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. “Not every home maintenance project has to be a large undertaking or one … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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