Tag: 0001


boot cleats

Mayo Clinic’s 10 Tips for Avoiding Falls

During the winter season, you may need to pay closer attention to watching your step. But fall prevention is something you should work on year-round. Even if you’re active, healthy and full of life, statistics show that you have a greater chance of … read more


Creamy Tomato and Roasted Pepper Soup with Cheddar Cracker Melts

Homemade Tomato and Roasted Pepper Soup — the Perfect Comfort Food

Few things go together quite like cold weather and comfort foods. However, those hearty dishes that are typically craved on blustery days are usually not classified as “healthy.” With the right approach, though, you can put a better-for-you twist on some of your … read more


DIY Candelabra

Add a Little Copper to Your Home with a DIY Candelabra

Copper has been trending in the interior design world, and from the looks of it, I don’t think it’s going away any time soon. It adds the perfect industrial accent to compliment any space. Want to incorporate a fun metal DIY candelabra in … read more



4 New Trends in Home Cooking

Today’s chefs and home cooks alike are seeking more meaningful food experiences, with smart, intuitive technology that’s high-performing and saves time. This year, leading brands are changing the way culinary enthusiasts source and prepare their food, emphasizing a heightened level of respect for … read more



7 Benefits of Walking for Seniors

With a fresh new year underway, many of us are making resolutions to begin a healthier lifestyle. If you are a senior, you might want to consider a regular walking routine to improve your overall wellbeing and to put yourself on track for … read more


Succulents should be kept within 2 feet of an east- or west-facing window and grown in a fast-draining potting mix. (Photo courtesy Melinda Myers, LLC)

Basic Care for Your Houseplants

Lift your spirits and improve your indoor environment by taking part in the indoor gardening movement. An apartment or home filled with tropical, succulent and flowering plants can provide beauty, extend your garden season, improve air quality and create a peaceful environment to … read more


Coral Knock Out Rose

Five ‘Pantone’s Color of The Year’ Inspired Florals to Use in Your Garden

Most gardeners view the same kinds of colors in their garden year after year. You’ll see the bright shades of green as well as hints of red, yellow and even orange. It’s time to think outside the green box and spice up your … read more


Smart Skylights

Smart-Tech Upgrades That Add Value and Function to Your Home

When smart-home technologies first emerged, their purpose was largely for convenience, and operating the devices was often clunky. Today, smart devices seamlessly integrate into connected home systems to make living more efficient, improve home security and even offer advantages for your health. If … read more


The CVG Showcases Juried Art from Around the State

One of the most prestigious juried art shows in Washington takes place right in West Sound. Bremerton’s Collective Visions Gallery organizes the CVG Show every year, attracting hundreds of submissions as well as visitors to the exhibit. The 2018 show had nearly 900 … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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