Old Ferry Landing

A Walk Around Historic Gig Harbor

Seagulls screech overhead, kayakers and paddleboarders weave in and out of the marinas and visitors by the dozens stroll along the waterfront, stopping here and there to read an interpretive sign or snap a photo of the scenic view. Gig Harbor has long … read more


Projects to Consider Before Seasonal Changes

Quick, Inexpensive Home Maintenance Projects for Your Weekend

Home maintenance. The very words might evoke thoughts of an entire weekend spent laboring at home instead of relaxing in it, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. “Not every home maintenance project has to be a large undertaking or one … read more


For Every Thing, There’s a Season

In recent memory, not much has been pleasant. We have all struggled, suffered and persevered over the past 18 months or so. Gratefully, we finally seem to be coming out the other side of the worst experience — older, wiser and, for many … read more

Callaway Cooper and Josh Diamond — behind the scenes (Photo courtesy The Content Scout)
Young Entrepreneurs

Seasoned Photographer Partners with Young Entrepreneur

I was fortunate enough to cross paths with the immensely talented and ever-so-patient Josh Diamond of Adamas Design. A diamond in the rough, so to speak, living and working in West Sound, a location that doesn’t seem viable to those working in the … read more


Peanut Butter Saltine Candy

Recipe for Peanut Butter Saltine Candy

With an easy recipe like Peanut Butter Saltine Candy that calls for just a handful of ingredients, you can get the whole family involved in the kitchen. Ask your little helpers to measure out ingredients while a grownup prepares the pan and uses … read more

Our Daily Bread


Sourdough is probably the oldest leavened bread known to mankind, and most likely it was discovered by accident. When grain flour is mixed with water and allowed to sit for an extended period of time, the result is a natural fermentation that produces … read more



Flower Power in the Pollinator Victory Garden

Editor’s note: This excerpt is reprinted with permission from “The Pollinator Victory Garden: Win the War on Pollinator Decline with Ecological Gardening” by Kim Eierman, EcoBeneficial, published Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc. 2020. Flowers are some of the most important food sources for pollinators, but … read more


Orca Pod

Volunteers Wanted to Help Endangered Orcas and Salmon Recover

Kitsap County Parks, the Kitsap Conservation District and partner organizations will host eight COVID-safe events as part of Orca Recovery Day, aimed at improving conditions for critically endangered southern resident orca whales and their main food source, salmon. Volunteers are invited to participate in … read more

Braised Red Wine Pot Roast
The Sip

Comfort Dish Paired with Local Wine

Summer is a time for whites and rosé wines, enjoyed outside and definitely served cold. We’ve had an amazing summer full of sunshine in the Pacific Northwest, but as the temperatures cool down and the leaves start to fall, we’re craving big, bold … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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