Outdoor Activities to Connect Children With Nature

Outdoor Activities to Connect Children With Nature

Early fall is a great opportunity to introduce children to new activities. Children are naturally curious and they love to explore and learn about the natural world. Parents will be amazed at the fun and adventure children can experience in their own backyard, … read more


Wild Turkeys

The Wild Turkey: Our Real National Bird

According to Benjamin Franklin, the wild turkey would have been a more fitting symbol for our young country than the bald eagle. Franklin thought the eagle a “good-for-nothing” scavenger. The wild turkey, on the other hand, was intelligent, a formidable opponent and able … read more

A colony of spring-blooming Tiarella cordifolia "Brandywine" grows under western hemlocks with the help of summer irrigation.

Standouts for Dry Shade

Ah, gorgeous trees and the shelter and shade they provide! Many local residents are blessed with towering conifers like Western red cedars or the fall colors of maples and other deciduous trees on their properties. Despite all their advantages, trees can create a … read more

Renovating a Collector's Garden

Renovating a Collector’s Garden

This isn’t about the design of a new garden; this is all about an existing one. As the garden ever changes, much can be said about how it grows and develops character. Then there are the spaces that do not age gracefully; the … read more


Victorian style W.W. Seymour Botanical Conservatory in winter, 1989-91

Conservatories, Greenhouses, Cold Frames and Sunrooms

In the 1980s I worked for the Tacoma Park District at the W.W. Seymour Conservatory and at the Point Defiance Greenhouses. We had a little gift shop at the conservatory with plants for sale. Occasionally we would get a customer who wanted advice … read more


When to remodel

Choosing the Best Time of Year for a Remodel

On Jan. 2, the phones start to ring at our office. People are done with the holidays and feeling the pinch of needing more space — so they want to remodel. When do they want to start? Oh yes, what we jokingly refer … read more

Simple Tips for Organizing Your Kitchen
Simple Tips for Organizing Your Kitchen

A Place for Everything and Everything in Its Place

Large or small, a well-designed and organized kitchen can save you time, money and make preparing meals safer and more pleasurable. So whether you have a small organization budget or are planning on remodeling or building, feast your eyes on the hidden treasures … read more

Mad About Mudrooms

Mad About Mudrooms

These transitional spaces help keep your home mess-free

Picture your kitchen counter. Is it a dumping ground for mail, backpacks, briefcases, coupons and family messages that usually get lost in the shuffle? Do you yearn for a serene, organized location to store frequently used items, house grubby shoes and to act … read more

Cooking Around the World With Grandma

Cooking Is a Family Affair

Millie Lindell gets to spend quite a bit of time with her five grandchildren. Both she and her adult son and daughter live on Fox Island, so the family spends a lot of time together. But Lindell wanted a special project with her … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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