Downtown Bremerton Waterfront

Memorial Weekend brings Kitsap Harbor Festival to Downtown Bremerton

The 8th annual Kitsap Harbor Festival takes over downtown Bremerton on Memorial Day weekend, May 28 and 29. Started by the Port of Bremerton in 2008, this is a family-friendly festival with something fun for all ages. Pirates will be roaming the festival … read more


sea shells - biodiversity

How Biodiversity Impacts All of Us Close to Home

The United Nations has designated May 22nd as International Day for Biological Diversity and this year, the specific theme is “Biodiversity for Sustainable Development.” I visited the United Nations website to learn more about what this day meant to the United Nations and … read more

David Shurick — Detective, Poulsbo Police Department

Unsung Hero — David Shurick

David Shurick, a Poulsbo Police Department officer for 15 years, is credited with the launch of Kitsap County’s Crisis Intervention Team (CIT). The team, which today has 33 crisis intervention officers, receives special training to help minimize the use of force in crisis … read more



Get Ready for Summer — Tips for Bringing Your Outdoor Space to Life

With the beautiful weather upon us, we have the chance now to spend more time outside with friends and family enjoying our beautiful surroundings. Here are a few ideas for getting your spaces looking their best. If you have an existing patio or … read more

Herron Hill Goat Dairy

Herron Hill Dairy — Goats, Cheese and Family Fun

The wooden sign on the side of Herron Hill Road — “Chevre” — points toward a meandering drive that disappears over the top of a low hill. Horses graze placidly in a pasture on one side of the drive, paying no mind to … read more

Guests enjoy a summer evening at the Brix 25º wine dinner.

Gig Harbor Wine and Food Festival

What could be better than sipping wine on a summer afternoon in the most beautiful little town in Washington state? So why don’t you? Time to get your tickets for the sixth annual Gig Harbor Wine and Food Festival. Gig Harbor. Very few … read more



Mattress Shopping? Check Out These Tips

Sleep is a hot topic these days, as demonstrated by the popularity of books such as Arianna Huffington’s “The Sleep Revolution,” topping bestseller lists throughout the United States. Many sleep experts agree that a good night’s sleep starts from the bottom up with … read more

Hardy water lily
Water Gardening Part 2

Aquatic Plants For Your Water Gardens

Water gardening provides one more way for gardeners to add plants to their environment. Selecting these aquatic plants requires the same thoughts and elements as regular garden plants. How much light will the plant receive? “The sunnier the spot, the better” is a … read more


Bacon Cheeseburgers with Kentucky Bourbon Sauce

Start the Grilling Season Right with these Bacon Cheeseburgers

According to New York Times best-selling cookbook author Jamie Purviance, one of the top trends in barbecue today is a movement toward more individual expression. “It used to be that barbecue styles were determined by regions, but in our internet-connect, melting-pot nation, those … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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