Windows to the Past
Ole and Ellen Kvinsland would bust their buttons if they could see their homestead now. If they climbed into a time machine and dropped by for a visit, they’d find lots of changes to the old farmhouse, but they’d also find the important … read more
Gardening With Peg
During these sometimes gray winter months, we can still find plant pleasures indoors. Houseplants are the plants that keep on giving enjoyment all year long, whether it be with foliage or with cheerful and entrancing flowers. Here are a few easy-care, no-fail plants … read more
Color is fun. Color is confusing. Color is important. Color is overwhelming. Depending upon how you responded to the above statements, you may want to seek some help. If so, you may want to talk to Connie LaMont. LaMont is one half of … read more
When Rudell and Jay Hegnes moved into their Gig Harbor home in 2004, they faced a steep bank across their backyard and soggy clay soil that wouldn’t drain. Most homeowners would have considered the hill an obstacle in their landscaping plans. “We knew … read more
WSU Kitsap Extension
Lifelong Learning in the West Sound
Organic Vegetable Gardening Class: Gardens You Can Eat A hands-on class taught by Master Gardeners to help you create your own organic backyard vegetable garden. This course is open to any community member who wishes to learn about growing food crops organically and … read more
In The Garden
After taking down the Christmas lights and all the bling is gone, January looks cold, dark and gray. Depressing. Does it have to be this way? Not if you plant a garden that looks good even during the coldest days of the year. … read more
Everything and the Bathroom Sink
Go into a plumbing showroom or home building center and you will be amazed by the variety of types, styles and finishes available in bathroom plumbing fixtures today. Your first step in selecting fixtures is to define your style. Some homeowners favor a … read more
Garden Planning • Moles and Tunneling Critters
Time to Plan and Learn When gardens are dormant, it’s the perfect time to take a class — or two or more. Check with your favorite local nursery and the WSU Kitsap County Extension Office for upcoming opportunities. Here are just a few … read more
Burnett Forge
Walking into any shop is a sensory experience — the smell of dust and oil pervade the nostrils and a bevy of interesting tools and projects in all stages of completion draw the eye. Entering Elijah Burnett’s shop enlivens new senses — the … read more