Design|Build 2017
Thinking of building or remodeling? Now is the time to make that dream bathroom a reality. You have many choices and options, bringing luxuries and new innovation to a room in your home. Sinks, toilets, showers, bathtubs, cabinets, lighting, flooring and more — … read more
When your home decor needs an upgrade but expensive, ready-made items aren’t in your budget, DIY projects can be an easy and affordable solution for revitalizing rooms in your home. One simple way to enhance the character of a room is with lighted … read more
Chaplain, Martha & Mary
As Martha & Mary’s chaplain, Ernie McCluskey’s main role is to perform church services and provide spiritual counseling for residents, patients, families and staff. But McCluskey does much more than that. An artist who has exhibited his work, he also coordinates the Art … read more
Celebrate National Nutrition Month by 'Putting Your Best...
Are you finding it difficult to keep up with your healthy New Year’s habits? Tackle those resolutions with renewed energy in March during National Nutrition Month and remember that small changes, made over time, can add up. The 2017 National Nutrition Month theme, … read more
As a gardener and homeowner, I consider myself a steward of the environment, and with that comes the responsibility of choosing plants for my home landscape that are not invasive or noxious. Noxious weeds are non-native plants that were introduced in the State … read more
Cover Feature
The Fox Island Home and Garden of Lucinda...
Some homes nestle quietly into their surroundings and appear as if they have been there for centuries. Tudor-style architecture is neither particularly rare nor common in the Northwest, and occasionally one stumbles upon a home that simply speaks to the heart. Such is … read more
An Excerpt from 'Rain Gardens for the Pacific...
Here in the Pacific Northwest, we all love looking at the mountains and ocean, lakes and creeks, our huge evergreen trees and silvery sagebrush, and the vast fields and endless horizons stretching out both east and west of the mountains. That is why … read more
Learning in the 21st Century
Josh Rosenberg is only in sixth grade, but he’s already decided on his dream job: He wants to work for Pixar, creating animations or effects for films like Toy Story. Which is why every chance he gets, the Hyla Middle School student spends … read more
In the Market Now
Wet, blustery days in February do not usually bring to mind fields of fresh root vegetables or greenhouses filled with herbs and greens. But in the Northwest, farmers work year round to bring these foods to our tables. Although you cannot usually source … read more