Have you recently renovated your kitchen walls or tiled your shower or your bathroom floor? If you did, then you must have a lot of leftover tiles. Don’t throw them in the trash — you can put them to good use. Here are … read more
Travel Bug
The name Bali conjures images of lush, green jungles; turquoise blue waters; deserted, white-sand beaches and ancient temples. Bali is synonymous with bright, colorful flowers; vanilla- and lemongrass-scented teas; and beautiful, handmade art of teak, silver and woven fabric. Bali is beautiful — … read more
The Garden of Lenore and Don Lynch
When Don and Lenore Lynch moved to Kitsap County from Pasco, Eastern Washington, about 10 years ago, they each began a gardening love affair. Lenore, with a strong design background, was swept away by the wondrously greater plant palette of foliage and flower, … read more
In the Market Now
Passing through Ellensburg in pear season, one is compelled to stop at a fruit stand and be enraptured by the presence of firm, ripe, voluptuous pears. Pears can be red, green and yellow in color, and they grow in sizes from prune-sized seckels … read more
Always a monster, never otherwise — huge, intrusive and unexpectedly frightening. “OK, Google, define the word frightening.” “Frighten, alarm, scare, terrify, appall, to arouse fear in people. To frighten is to shock with sudden, startling, but short-lived fear.” Suppose it would apply here, … read more
Design|Build 2019A
The life of a remote worker is the envy of every I-5 commuter. Who doesn’t dream of working from a home office, where every day is casual Friday and the commute is a 30-second stroll? It turns out, in West Sound, many people … read more
For local gardeners, fall is the time to clean out garden beds and get bulbs in the ground. The mild climate of West Sound makes it ideal for growing a wide range of spring-blooming bulbs, with crocuses, hellebores, cyclamen, daffodils, tulips and grape … read more
Stroll around the grounds of Bay Hay & Feed on Bainbridge Island and you get the sense of walking back in time. It’s like visiting an old-fashioned country store, with a modern twist. There’s a nursery and greenhouse, filled with about every plant … read more
Editor’s note: This is an adapted excerpt from “36 Bottles of Wine,” by Paul Zitarelli, recently released by Sasquatch Books. There you are, casually negotiating pizza toppings with your friends. Someone blithely mentions mushrooms. Heads nod around the room. Universal approval. Does a … read more