
Featured Articles from the West Sound. These are the highlighted articles from WestSound Magazine.


power generator safety

Stay Safe while Using a Portable Generator During Inclement Weather

For many people, inclement weather can be frightening — especially when the wind is blowing hard, the rain is pouring and the trees are rustling. To weather a storm safely, it’s important to remember certain safety tips and proper use of tools. Portable … read more

North Kitsap Barn Raising

A North Kitsap Barn Raising

Hunter Thompson had a dream. In his imagination was the perfect house, one of space and light and comfort. His house would be timber-framed with the homespun understatement and straightforward lines of a domestic barn. It would incorporate the highest quality materials and … read more


Growhouse lighting systems provide a greenhouse and grow light all in one unit. (Photo courtesy Modern Sprout)

Millennials to Baby Boomers, Gifts that Grow are All the Rage

It’s a jungle in there. Every window, surface and brightly lit corner is filled with decorative or edible greenery. There is no doubt what to gift this person for the holidays. More of the same. A lack of outdoor growing space, limited growing seasons … read more

Smart Toys

Are ‘Smart Toys’ a Dumb Gift Idea?

Techy toys make for some of the trendiest kids’ Christmas gifts, and what can be nerdier than interactive playthings and gadgets that give the adult versions — the likes of Alexa — a run for their money? Ask any child what’s cooler — … read more


urban raised beds

The Art of Watering Your Garden

Editor’s note: This is an excerpt adapted from Byron Smith’s book, “Slow Down and Grow Something: The Urban Grower’s Recipe for Good Life,” recently published by Murdoch Books. Plants have naturally adapted to the climate in which they have evolved — that’s why … read more



How to Make Your Own Small-Batch Sauerkraut

When thinking of food preservation, many people have visions of some big-production, time-consuming project with dozens of jars to fill with pounds and pounds of produce. But that doesn’t have to be the case. The first thing most people say to me, after … read more

JW Sold

Featured Restaurant JW Changes Hands, Details Unknown

The November/December edition of WestSound Magazine is arriving in mailboxes, and we, along with our readers, always look forward to this time. As much as we are excited about the magazine coming off the press, we have to share a frustration with you. … read more



Endangered Orca Recovery Focus of Regionwide Day of Action

Ten of Puget Sound’s conservation districts have teamed up for a first-ever region-wide day of action to connect people to Puget Sound, the critically endangered southern resident killer whales and the work that needs to be done to save them. The conservation districts … read more

The Bungalow is Back
Design|Build 2019A

The Bungalow is Back

A Poulsbo neighborhood of 1920s-style homes reflects Craftsman-style...

Walk into Wayne and Anne Blair’s Poulsbo bungalow and it could be 1918 rather than 2018. True to the aesthetic of the Arts and Crafts era, their home features a river-rock fireplace with a mantel shelf made of old-growth maple; stone countertops and … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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