Barely into winter, and the signs of the season are everywhere. The vibrant aspects of warmer times have left for sunnier climates. Anything left in the shadow of a sunless sky is rendered drab by the unending gloom of rain. Now that West … read more
A new survey from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) found that 88 percent of U.S. adults admitted to losing sleep due to staying up late to watch multiple episodes of a TV show or streaming series — and this number jumps … read more
Bremerton will be a stop on the Wild and Scenic Film Festival’s tour in December, thanks to Great Peninsula Conservancy (GPC). In its 17th year, the Wild and Scenic Film Festival event was started by watershed advocacy group the South Yuba River Citizens … read more
Cover Feature
Bainbridge Island landmark stays true to its roots
After months of deliberation and dozens of drive-by trips, a young couple decided to follow their hearts. They stopped the car and fastened a note to the mailbox of the old farmhouse. “We’re looking for a place to raise a family,” the note … read more
All too often, we don’t take the time to secure our homes or address safety concerns until it’s too late. While it’s nice to focus on family, friends and gatherings during the holiday season, it’s a good idea to take steps to protect … read more
The holidays are upon us, and that means parties and gatherings and get-togethers of all kinds. Whether that’s your own Christmas dinner, a company party or a client-appreciation event, we’ve broken it down so you know just what to do to make your … read more
Gardening chores may be over, but if you haven’t dug out your dahlia tubers yet, there’s one more job to do. The dahlias, which are native to Mexico, don’t survive a hard freeze (24 degrees or below), so you may want to do … read more
Holidays are a wonderful time to gather with friends and family, share a special meal and exchange gifts. Finding the perfect gift for those we love can be overwhelming and stressful. No need to fret; give the gift of gardening that provides seasons … read more
Paulette Hoflin is a sculptor known for the uncommon material she chooses. This material can be less than an eighth of an inch in size, but when gathered en masse by multiple stitches of fine thread, the beads can take on the three-dimensional … read more