
Featured Articles from the West Sound. These are the highlighted articles from WestSound Magazine.

Cruising through Wu Gorge
Travel Bug

Cruising on China’s Yangtze River — The Ancient and The New

It’s mind-boggling. China’s population is more than 1.4 billion. Yes, billion with a B. Eclipsing the United States with the 2019 population count at 330 million (India fast gaining on China with 1.3 billion). Billions of people. Where to put them all? How … read more


The Color Mauve — Part 1

Such an awful color that words can hardly explain, a muddy pink or a neutral, pale purple with a gray tint. I have little idea why this outdated color was selected, only that someone referred to it as an up-and-coming trend. “Really?” I … read more



How Do I Start a Home Décor Project from Scratch?

Editor’s note: This excerpt is adapted from the book “But Where Do I Put the Couch? Answers to 100 Other Home Decorating Questions” by KariAnne Wood and Melissa Michaels, published by Harvest House Publishers. Reprinted with permission. Question: I’m getting ready to move … read more

Winter Skin Care with Herbs

Winter Skin Care with Herbs

As winter dampness settles in, the changing season alters the way people take care of their skin. Indoor heat can be drying, as furnaces and heaters take humidity from the air. Indoor air can be stuffy too, and the cold dampness chills to … read more


In the Market Now


If ever a vegetable has caught the attention of dieters and gourmands alike, it is the trendiest of all vegetables in 2020 — cauliflower. Versatile, low in carbohydrates and calories and with a mild and non-distinctive flavor, cauliflower lends itself to an amazingly … read more

Hoarding and Collecting

What’s the Difference Between Hoarding and Collecting?

A china cabinet full of crystal goblets and a lovely set of gold-rimmed china. A room full of bookshelves, chock full of first editions and illustrated volumes. A glass case containing cloisonné snuff boxes from around the world. All clearly collections, lovingly accumulated … read more

Maggie Olson club

Paint Parties — An Artsy Pastime for a Long Winter Night

The room buzzes with excitement as people gather, serve themselves some refreshments and find their seats. The artist instructor prepares palettes of paint, distributes brushes and socializes with each of the guests, and then the fun begins. Most of the time, everyone in … read more


Red Velvet Waffles

Red Velvet Waffles

I don’t know if I think these are a Christmas food or a Valentine’s Day food. Truth is — they work for both. They are so elegant and beautiful — once you drizzle them with cream cheese frosting or whipped cream, you’ll be in heaven and you’ll want a kiss. … read more

Highside Distillery distiller
The Sip

West Sound’s Craft Distilleries

Washington is a great place to be a craft beverage connoisseur or even just a craft beverage consumer. The state is home to over 1,000 wineries, 417 breweries and 120 distilleries. Kitsap County alone has two top-quality distilleries — and Gig Harbor’s Heritage … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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