
Featured Articles from the West Sound. These are the highlighted articles from WestSound Magazine.

Architectural texture
Design|Build 2020B

Makeover with Texture

Interior design is an ever-changing industry of color and pattern. It can be difficult to make decisions regarding your home’s “new look,” particularly if you find yourself quickly getting tired of revolving design trends. Texture — what may be considered the most interesting … read more


"Americans" at the National Museum of the American Indian is available online. (Photo: © Paul Morigi/AP for the National Museum of the American Indian)

Things to Do This Summer: Make a (Virtual) ‘Visit’ to the Smithsonian

If you are looking for new things to this summer do while staying home or social distancing, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian has you covered. The museum has lots of free content available for both adults and kids, including digital … read more

Garden Sheds

The Garden Shed Takes Back Stage in the Garden

Every garden needs a work area: a “behind the scenes” staging space where all the glories of the garden are dressed, groomed and rehearsed until they are ready to make their entrance. This can be a spot tucked away out of sight with … read more


(Photo: © monkeybusinessimages / iStock via Getty Images Plus)

4 Steps for Developing a Thoughtful Estate Plan

Many people may avoid estate planning because they think it can be put off until later in life. But experts agree that adults of any age should have a plan in place to make sure their financial affairs are in order after they … read more


auto tips

Getting Ready to Drive Again? Check Your Car for These Three Things First

As restrictions are being loosened up on stay-at-home orders, so you may be ready to finally take the family on a road trip or return to work. Since your car may have sat relatively idle over the last few months, the following tips … read more

Design|Build 2020B

How to Become a Barbecue Master

It’s summer. That means long days, fun outings, get-togethers with family and friends — and, of course, barbecue. Mmmmm, barbecue: bold, smoky, sweet, tangy. The flavors are as much a part of summer memories as the smell of fresh-cut lawn and the feel … read more


Cheesecake Cupcakes

Recipe for a Delightful Family Dessert

Make family meals part of your home by digging into kid-friendly desserts like these Cheesecake Cupcakes with Oat and Walnut Crust, and join the Family Meals Movement, which encourages Americans to pledge to share one more family breakfast, lunch or dinner at home … read more

Custom printed tile
Design|Build 2020B

2020 Trends in Tile and Bathroom Furnishings

Observations from the 2020 Cevisama International Fair for...

When one thinks of Spain, good wine, great tapas and flamenco music and dance quickly spring to mind. However, Spain is also known for amazing architecture, both past and present, as well as residential product design. Nowhere is this more evident than in … read more


summer education

At-Home Learning Strategies for Summer Break

As time away from the classroom extends into summer, parents face the challenge of helping their children maintain what they’ve learned through a summer of uncertainty. Fortunately, this year’s shift to at-home learning has provided plenty of resources parents can use to keep … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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