Design|Build 2021B
Window treatments have been used to provide important light and climate control for interior spaces for centuries. Throughout the past, this interior layer has been made from different materials with various hanging methods. Dating back to the great Egyptians, coverings were made of … read more
All birds have their place in the ecosystems in which they live. Some are “keystone” species that other creatures rely on, making them a critical component of their respective biomes. Among the keystone species of birds are woodpeckers. As the name suggests, woodpeckers … read more
Any discussion of downtowns on the Kitsap Peninsula has to include the Gig Harbor historic downtown waterfront district. Centered around the famous Harborside Avenue, Gig Harbor’s downtown has many shops and restaurants, along with stunning views of Puget Sound and Mount Rainier. On … read more
Our Daily Bread
Fragrant, wholesome and wonderfully delicious, rye bread is as varied as the many cultures that enjoy it. From deep, dark, chewy pumpernickel to light rye with caraway seeds, rye breads are staples in many countries, while only featured occasionally in others. Probably the … read more
WestSound Magazine presents the annual Best of West Sound results for 2021! Entries have been submitted from Bainbridge Island all the way to Gig Harbor. On this page we’ve listed the businesses and places you love the most. Enjoy! Best Restaurant Crabtree Kitchen+Bar … read more
Sweets with enhanced fruit flavors are often among the best of the best when it comes to family treats. Fruit can add levels of sweet, tart or even citrus flavor to all kinds of recipes. From grapefruit to berries and lemons, there are … read more
Located in Port Orchard, family business Dude’s Donuts has people traveling from all over the state to devour simply amazing, gluten-free and vegan donuts. The husband-and-wife team of Easton and Amanda Shepard opened Dude’s Donuts shortly after deciding they were going to start … read more
Founder, mentor and board president of OurGEMS and...
Harriette Bryant founded OurGEMS (Girls Empowered through Mentoring and Service) in 2008 while mentoring nine eight-grade girls at Ridgetop Junior High School. They asked her if they could continue the next year, which lead to mentoring through their senior graduation. “I feel it … read more
Backyarding — the trend to use the backyard for everything from teleworking and working out to relaxing and recreating — has a different purpose for each of us. Identifying your backyard’s role in your family’s health and happiness is the key to cultivating … read more