WSMAG.NET Blog » The Outdoors

Local outdoor aficionados share tips and information about outdoor recreation, from fishing to bird watching.


West Hylebos Wetlands trail (Photo by Susan Elderkin)

Best Hikes With Kids around Western Washington, Part 1

Editor’s note: While the weather is still gorgeous, are you trying to pack in as much outdoor times as possible? If you have little ones, hiking can be a challenge. This excerpt was adapted from hiking expert Susan Elderkin’s book, “Best Hikes With … read more


(Photo courtesy PNW Smoke Cooperators)

Fire Smoke Stretches Across the Northwest — How to Stay Safe

Just as we thought the haze and smoke in the air was due to clear out last week, a fresh wave enveloped us this week. It’s not just a problem in the Puget Sound region — the entire Pacific Northwest and much of … read more



Get Ready for Boating Season at Boating Safety Event in Gig Harbor

The boating season opening is just around the corner, and just in time for you to get ready, you can get your boat inspected for free. The Gig Harbor Police Department Marine Services Unit will offer free boating safety vessel inspections and educational … read more



9 Reasons to Plant a Tree this Spring

Did you know that planting a tree is one of the easiest and most powerful things you can do to have a positive impact on the environment? Trees clean the air, prevent rainwater runoff, help you save energy and even combat global warming. … read more


American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis)

Interesting Winter Bird Flocks

Pine siskins, American goldfinches and common redpolls are cousins, members of the large finch family. During the winter months, they frequently flock together in the search for food. Flocks of pine siskins can grow into the hundreds at this time. You have to … read more



Song Sleuth with Sibley

Wildlife Acoustics, maker of the Song Sleuth bird-identifying app, has announced the launch of a birding sweepstakes. It is presented by L.L. Bean Co., maker of outdoor wear and gear. David Sibley, renowned artist and author of “Sibley’s Guide to Birds,” is the … read more



10 Steps to Winterizing Your Outdoor Power Equipment

If you’re done aerating and getting your lawn ready for the winter, you’re probably ready to put your outdoor power equipment away. Did you know that outdoor power equipment needs to be winterized before it is stored for the fall? That helps avoid … read more



What’s Contributing More to Climate Change, SUVs or Our Dinner Plate?

It may surprise you to learn the global impact of the humble cheeseburger. The climate impact of food has not been discussed as much as driving or deforestation, but there is an increasing awareness of the role that our food plays in climate … read more


Western Scrub-Jay

September Is the Month for Migrants

Two bird-related events make September one of the most exciting and interesting months for bird watching. Bird population numbers are the highest they will be for an entire year due to all of the young birds raised this year. The other reason for … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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