The WestSound Magazine blog is your destination for information and tips about living in West Sound — home, gardening, outdoor recreation, things to do and more.


Boand Arena

Public Invited to Ribbon Cutting Celebrating Fairground Arena Upgrades

Kitsap County Parks has completed upgrades to the equestrian arena at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds and invites the public to a ribbon-cutting ceremony at noon, July 30 at the north end of the fairgrounds (enter off Nels Nelson Road) during a break in … read more


Red-necked phalarope

Enjoying Birdwatching from Aboard the Local Ferries

A ferry ride is an inexpensive way to do some birdwatching on the water. You don’t pay for an expensive guided tour. You don’t need to own or care for your own boat. Birding surprises often occur on many of the available ferry … read more


Spring Cleaning

The Great Debate: What Eco-Friendly, Chemical-Free Cleaning Products Should You Use?

Spring-cleaning is more than just a phrase; it is serious business for many people. After being cooped up in the house all winter with a growing to-do list — and, for some, a case of Seasonal Affective Disorder — it can be refreshing … read more


Freshly dug and ready to be cleaned and dried

What To Do with Garlic you Planted Last Fall

If you planted garlic cloves as I suggested last fall, you will be rewarded with complete garlic heads this month. If you plant in the fall, June supplies tasty garlicscapes that should be cut off and can be used to flavor your oil … read more


Wonderful Washington Cherries
In the Market Now

Wonderful Washington Cherries!

It’s cherry season in Washington, and this year’s crop is better than ever! Mother Nature provided a long, cool, wet spring with warm sunshine coming just at the right time to produce beautiful, shiny, plump and very juicy cherries. Bings and Rainiers are … read more


Baked Salmon with Avocado and Pine Nut Salad

Tips for Healthy Eating

Remaining active and healthy for older adults is important. Good nutrition is vital but can diminish with age, exactly when healthy eating becomes even more paramount. Here are five tips to help keep a healthy diet as you age: Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate. As … read more


(Photo courtesy Gardener's Supply Company)

Grow More Edibles with Smart & Sustainable Keyhole Gardening

Raise your gardening efforts to a new level with keyhole gardening. You’ll increase your garden’s productivity in a smaller space, while using less water and fertilizer. This intensive technique was first used in Africa where it’s hot and dry and the topsoil is … read more


Seahorse by the Sea Shore

‘Gardens with a View Tour’ Showcases Eight Gardens — for a Good Cause

The self-guided “Gardens with a View Tour” returns to North Kitsap, giving the public a view of eight amazing gardens. Spend Saturday, July 22, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., admiring these special gardens with fantastic views. Two are high up on Foulweather … read more


Port Gamble General Store and Cafe

17 of West Sound’s Best Coffee Shops

If you love going out for coffee at a place where you can unwind, study or enjoy some music, you are sure to find it in West Sound. When I want to go to a coffee shop that has ambiance, sit on comfy … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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