Dress up the holidays or give gifts that continue giving throughout the year with these low maintenance gardening trends. Just add a little fun, classic beauty or style to make it even more memorable now and throughout the year. Terrariums: These mini greenhouses … read more
The late Roger Tory Peterson developed an identification system for birds that eventually earned him the title “dean of birdwatchers.” When first introduced, these guidelines were designed to aid in the identification of birds seen from a distance. They evolved into an all-encompassing … read more
It’s exciting to think about a remodeling project and all the fun things you will do. And while safety is not something that most people would say is unimportant, you’d be surprised at how many ways safety can become an issue. A first … read more
As the holidays approach, people are beginning to think about gifts to give their family, friends and colleagues. This year, as you make your list and check it twice, consider giving gift baskets that you put together yourself. DIY gift baskets are fun … read more
Aging successfully can mean something different to each person. But, how people can achieve “successful aging” is actually quite similar no matter what the end result. In their book “Successful Aging,” authors John Rowe and Robert Kuhn outline three overall objectives to aging … read more
In the Market Now
(More than You Ever Wanted to Know)
Cranberries have been a staple on Thanksgiving tables in the United States since the Pilgrims first feasted with the Wampanoag in 1621. The native populations had been using the wild cranberry Vaccinium macrocarpos throughout their history. It is believed they used the fruit … read more
The family of Helen Langer Smith and Kitsap Bank were recently recognized with philanthropy awards for their decades-long generosity and loyal support of Martha & Mary. The awards were given during the organization’s annual Donor Appreciation Reception, which recognizes the important role that … read more
Did you know that there is treasure in the Puget Sound? Lacing the shores and in the rivers are glints of ruby red and emerald green that will catch a watchful eye. However, this is not the treasure of pirates and gemstones, but … read more
The Sewer Utility Division of Kitsap County Public Works is offering free kits to residential customers to encourage proper disposal of fats, oils and grease, commonly referred to as “FOG” in the wastewater industry. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, approximately 65 … read more