The Garden

Many interesting and delightful gardens abound in our area — how fun to glimpse into a gardener’s back yard (or even front yard). Enjoy gardens from Gig Harbor, Port Orchard, Bremerton, Central Kitsap, and the North end of Kitsap including Bainbridge Island. These articles are only a sample of what we have in WestSound Magazine each issue — subscribe to the print version today to see all of what we have to offer!

Beaver (Castor canadensis)

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Beavers • Planting Winter Veggies • Growing Produce...

Castor canadensis Castor canadensis (beavers) are the largest rodents on our continent. They can be 3 to 4 feet long from head to the tip of their paddle-shaped tails and stand a foot tall at the shoulders. Their front feet (with claws for … read more

A rainbow of bouquets all ready for the Garden Party are the results of days' worth of work for Cathy Tyler and her talented volunteers.

Seasonal Bouquets at The Bloedel Reserve — Floral Serendipity

Cathy Tyler has a sweet job. She’s the florist for the Bloedel Reserve and with the assistance of volunteers, creates fresh arrangements for the visitors center, tends the cutting gardens and checks the existing bouquets to make sure they are still looking new. … read more

Jeanne Cronce's Garden: A Bit of Paradise

Jeanne Cronce’s Garden: A Bit of Paradise

Jeanne Cronce and her husband, Robin, began their married life in a single-wide, modular home on a 5-acre piece of land. When they decided to raise a family, they harvested enough trees on the property to build a log cabin. Every piece of … read more

Ron Gillespie

Ron Gillespie’s Gardener’s Paradise: A Treasure Trove of Garden Rooms Extraordinaire

A Doctor Seuss garden, a swampy garden, a veggie and herb garden, a rain garden, a water garden including a pond with a rocky stream — that’s just the beginning of a peek at the garden retreat and plant treasure trove of Tracyton … read more

Valley Nursery

Valley Nursery: A Poulsbo Destination

For nearly 40 years, Poulsbo’s Valley Nursery has been a fun and floriferous stop on the to-do list of those with a garden or gardener in the family. Homeowners, plantaholics and day trippers alike from around the Puget Sound area are drawn to … read more

Landscape lighting illuminates pathways for moonlight strolls through the garden.
Moonlight Gardens

By the Light of the Silvery Moon

A garden can be a magical place after dark. As the sun wanes in the sky, subtle evening light begins to illuminate the garden in a completely new way. Flowers and foliage add a new dimension to a garden when caught by the … read more

“Coming in for a landing” (Photo courtesy Paul Carlson)

Western Bluebirds and Your Fall Chores

Fall migration of most Pacific Northwest birds has completed — from the huge shorebird population, to the area warblers and many other migrants from Oregon, Washington, British Columbia to Alaska. They have raised successful broods and are now heading south to winter over … read more

Red Fox

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Red Foxes • Mulches • Magazines to Explore

Red Foxes In England, foxes are an integral part of an English garden, except if the garden includes chickens — and then foxes are definitely not wanted. Here in West Sound, we could go for years without glimpsing a fox, or we may … read more

How to Care for Your Garden's Asset — Trees
Part II

How to Care for Your Garden’s Asset — Trees

"Happy is the man to whom every tree...

Between the time when we rake the last of autumn’s confetti from our lawns and the day we first glimpse the bright petals on the bare branches of the cherry, most of us never give a single thought to trees. Meanwhile, arborists, professional … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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