Tag: wildlife

A pair of common goldeneyes ride the choppy water on a windy day.

Life is Golden for These Ducks

For Pacific Northwest birders, winter means ducks. After breeding in the Arctic, myriads of ducks enjoy wintering in Western Washington on water that isn’t frozen. About two dozen species of ducks regularly visit West Sound waters each winter. Ducks come in many varieties … read more

Custom Rustic Birdhouses

Custom Rustic Birdhouses

Meet Luis Gonzalo Pablo Pablo. Luis is a multi-talented and creative gardener — from his stunning rose bushes to his large variety of vegetables, he has a “green thumb.” Luis was raised in Wenatchee and moved to Kitsap 19 years ago. In his … read more

A northern shrike tries to blend into its surroundings while looking for its next victim.

Unmasking the ‘Watchful Butcher’ Bird

Imagine walking a West Sound trail through an open, wooded area on a crisp day in late fall or winter. A charming black, white and gray bird, slightly smaller than a robin, is perched in a bare tree. Its endearing black-eye mask gives … read more



10 New Plants to Create a Multi-Season Hummingbird Haven

Is there anything more entertaining than watching the aerobatic antics of hummingbirds? Whether they’re visiting for a sip of sugar water at the feeder, zooming through the garden (where you’ll often hear their whirring wings before you see them) or engaging in an … read more

A Hutton’s vireo stops to contemplate its next move.

An Overlooked Songbird in Plain Sight

Songbirds come in many varieties. Some, like bushtits, are tiny, while others, like meadowlarks, are large. Some have distinctive sounds, like the onomatopoeia call of the black-capped chickadee. And others have unmistakable plumage, like the male western tanager. But not all songbirds make … read more

A male wood duck shows off his spectacular plumage on a sunny day at the lake.

A Dazzling Duck and a Triumph for Conservation

As is typical with many things in life, when it comes to birds, people gravitate toward the ones with visual beauty. While birders are thrilled to see a drab-looking rarity, nonbirders get excited about birds that look the best. Not surprising, colorful birds … read more

The extremely rare Wollemia nobilis tree covered in globular female cones (Photo courtesy of Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium)

The Botanical Wonders of the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium

On the other side of the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium entry gates, you step into another world of exotic plants and animals. Or should it be said you step into many parts of the world in one location? For people who love … read more

A marbled murrelet in breeding plumage rests between foraging dives near the beach at Point No Point County Park in Hansville.

The Double Life of the Imperiled Forest Seabird

It’s a beautiful summer afternoon at Point No Point County Park in Hansville. Scores of people are relaxing on the beach. Suddenly, everyone springs up and runs to the water’s edge, excitedly pointing at something offshore. A trio of orcas are swimming by. … read more

A female violet-green swallow gathers dry grass for lining her nest at Point No Point County Park in Hansville.

Swooping Swallows Signal Springtime

Nothing signals the advent of spring like the arrival of swallows. Among the first migrants to return from a warm winter in the south, swallows are endearing songbirds, many of which live in proximity to humans and nest on man-made structures. Swallows live … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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