Tag: wildlife


Cistus, inside and outside of a fence

Gardening Happily with Hungry Wildlife

I expect you’ve heard that the only way to protect your plants from hungry deer is a good fence. The deer in my neighborhood illustrate this point perfectly. Before I built my current fence, I kept my treasured deer “candy” covered in black … read more

Mourning Doves

The Secret Love Life of Birds

Birds have almost as many strategies as people do for getting together. Avian mating styles have been a topic of recent research and ornithologists now recognize how subtle and diverse bird partnerships really are. Monogamy: The most typical type of partnership is monogamy, … read more


Yellow-rumped Warbler

Spring Surprises — Shorebirds on West Sound’s Beaches

Every spring, hundreds of thousands of shorebirds moving up the West Coast make coastal birdwatching exciting. Some of these migrants will spill onto shorelines throughout the West Sound region. The headline-making numbers flood coastal beaches and estuaries, but there will also be interesting … read more

The bee’s body gets dusted with pollen as it searches for nectar.
West Sound Beekeepers Association

Learn About Bees, Beekeeping

West Sound Beekeepers Association is a longstanding group of people interested in learning about bees. The members maintain an apiary as well as educational facilities, and meet monthly at Stedman’s Bee Supplies in Silverdale. Local beekeeper Frank Wilson’s story is very similar to … read more


Anna's Hummingbird

Dueling Hummingbirds

Even before March arrived hummingbird enthusiasts were keeping an eye out for the first returning Rufous hummingbird. March is the month when these tiny bits of feather and bone return to the Pacific Northwest. They have spent the winter in the Southwest United … read more

Get The Dirt

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Gardening Chores • Heronswood Fun • Slugs

Gardening Chores Chores is often such an unpalatable word. It seems it’s something people love to put off if they can. But for gardeners, doing chores outdoors is often delightful because it means well-spent time outside, leading to future enjoyment in the garden … read more


Manchester State Park Ochre Star

Enjoying the Beach and Nature at Manchester State Park

We have to be grateful for this amazing winter weather we have been experiencing. For many of us, this sunshine makes us want to jump ahead to spring! As the weather continues to get warmer, it will be time for people to head … read more



What Would You Do for Puppy Love?

In honor of Valentine’s Day, Big Heart Pet Brands — the makers of Milk-Bone, Pup-Peroni, Canine Carry Outs and Milo’s Kitchen brand dog treats — surveyed 3,000 dog “parents” from around the country. Their mission: to see how regularly humans engage with loving … read more

How to Build a Green Roof Birdhouse

How to Build a Green Roof Birdhouse

Be the First On Your Block To Have...

Buildings with a “living roof” are all the rage with the current focus on ecologically minded construction techniques. Originally European and historically planted with turf grasses, green roofs are popular worldwide for reducing pollution and runoff and improving insulation, among other environmental benefits. … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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