Tag: water

“A house is made of wood and stone but a home is made of love, alone.”
Cover Feature

Arch Meets Soul — A Wollochet Water View to Call Home

A magnificent vista to Mount Rainier inspired Kathy and Dave Nims to purchase their property without ever having stepped foot on it. That leap of faith was well worth the effort. This view served as inspiration for architect David Fisher and contractor Tom … read more

Lennard K's Boat House Restaurant and Bar

The Boat House at North Bay

While zipping along State Route 3 between Belfair and Shelton, the speed limit slows through the little hamlet of Allyn. Smack-dab in the middle of town, on the water side of the street, sits “Lennard K’s Boat House.” Part of the building that … read more

Koh Phi Phi Lei
Travel Bug

Hello, Thailand!

“Sawadee ka.” That’s hello in Thai. Sawadee ka — said with hands in prayer position (known as wai) and a tiny bow with your head. Hello from Thailand — a land of beauty and mystery. A place where royalty and religion are entwined … read more

Greater yellowlegs

An Estuary in the Spring

Webster’s Dictionary defines the term “estuary” as “what is commonly called a ‘wetland,’ as an inlet or arm of the sea; especially the lower portion or wide mouth of a river, where the salty tide meets the freshwater current.” Wetland is a popular … read more

Evocative of a Schoolhouse

Evocative of a Schoolhouse

A legacy of love, life and learning spans...

In the historic community of Grapeview, it can be hard to find your way around the first time you visit. Lots of tiny dirt roads finger off from the main road, featuring funny names that are often nearly identical. It nods to the … read more


Earth Day

Things to Do Around West Sound in April to Celebrate Earth Day

If you lead an environmentally conscious lifestyle, every day is as good as any to celebrate our planet. But Earth Day is especially meaningful because it’s an occasion to celebrate Mother Earth as well as spread awareness. Did you know that Earth Day … read more

Design|Build 2017

The Baths Have It

Thinking of building or remodeling? Now is the time to make that dream bathroom a reality. You have many choices and options, bringing luxuries and new innovation to a room in your home. Sinks, toilets, showers, bathtubs, cabinets, lighting, flooring and more — … read more


Using correct soil mixes and mulches is critical to a thriving, functional rain garden. (Photo by Zsofia Pasztor)

Why Does the Northwest Need Rain Gardens?

An Excerpt from 'Rain Gardens for the Pacific...

Here in the Pacific Northwest, we all love looking at the mountains and ocean, lakes and creeks, our huge evergreen trees and silvery sagebrush, and the vast fields and endless horizons stretching out both east and west of the mountains. That is why … read more

Waterfall installation by Full Throttle Landscaping, using a variety of a variety of flat and round stone from Morrison Gravel (Photo courtesy Mark Stolz)

Morrison Gravel — 70 Years of Success

In marking 70 years in business in 2016, Morrison Gravel is an example of a company that has evolved adroitly with the needs of Kitsap County. Through the years, it has diversified from a gravel pit to a full-service gardenscape supplier. The Morrison … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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