Tag: video


Builder/Designer Spotlight — Joe Gates Construction
Builder/Designer Spotlight

Joe Gates Construction — Remodelers with a flair for making the impossible, probable!

For more than a decade, WestSound Magazine has been featuring some of the best local home and garden professionals who can help your dream project — or just take some maintenance to-do work off your hands. Now, we’re adding one more dimension, launching … read more


Iris (white) and lupine (blue)
Gardening With Peg

Native Plants for West Sound Gardens

Native plants are the perfect complements for West Sound gardens. They are easy care, once established, and many of our “domesticated” or “cultivated” plants once had native roots. Also look for native plants that survive well in British Columbia, Oregon and perhaps Northern … read more


Garden Nursery Plants
Gardening With Peg

How to Select Plants for Purchase

From fall into spring is a great time to purchase and add plants to our landscapes. It’s also a great time to plant up some containers. But how do you choose good, strong, healthy plants? Plant Selection The first step is deciding what … read more


Cooking Oil Recycling

Green Living: Recycle Your Cooking Oil

Fats, oils and grease from kitchens can impact sewer systems in a big way. When poured down a drain inside the house, these items can quickly damage or clog sewage pipes. Whether your house is on a septic system or connected to a … read more


KCTS9 Cooking Show with Berger
Santa's Day Off

Spreading Joy and Merriment Year-Round

Many people who own pets in Kitsap or Mason counties are familiar with Jeff Berger — especially if they take their pets to Christmas photo sessions at the Kitsap County Humane Society or the Humane Society of Mason County. To them, of course, … read more


Roadhouse Nursery
Gardening With Peg

Water Gardening in Containers

Jan Bahr from Roadhouse Nursery on Central Valley Road recently showed us how to create water gardens in containers. You don’t need a huge piece of land or large construction equipment to enjoy a water garden feature. Smaller water gardens can be created … read more


Buck Lake Native Plant Garden

Buck Lake Native Plant Garden — A Place to Learn Abundantly

In 2005, Hansville Master Gardeners Roland Malan, Susan Harrington and Sheri Kiley, along with landscape architects Mary Booth and Patrick Leuner, met with county parks staff and presented a plan to steward and beautify a very neglected, weed-infested, abandoned motocross dirt bike track … read more


Planting Perennials
Gardening With Peg

How to Plant a Perennial Fall Container

Containers packed with plants provide garden pizzazz. Even though this blog and video are about containers for fall to winter enjoyment, they are actually planted up in mid to late summer. Plants often live happily in containers for anywhere from five to seven … read more


Cracked Pot Miniature Container Gardens
Gardening With Peg

How to Create Tiny, Whimsical Gardens in Cracked Pots

Sooner or later, every gardener ends up with a few broken or cracked pottery, ceramic or clay pots. What’s a gardener to do? They’re often way too nice to throw away. My friend, Melissa Lawrence, shows us how to create beauty out of … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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