Tag: things to do


Santa With Doggy

Humane Society Hosts Adoption Event, Santa Pet Pics

This Black Friday, you can “Adopt till You Drop” at Kitsap Humane Society. On Friday, Nov. 28, Kitsap Humane Society is opening its doors two hours early at 10 a.m. and offering reduced adoption fees on all animals available for adoption. All dog … read more


Chum Salmon

Salmon in November? You Bet

Leaves falling. Crisp days and often stiff nights with much cooler air temps. It’s raining again. Moving air is no longer just a breeze but an outright wind. The sun seems to spend a few hours paralleling the horizon then dips out of … read more


Kingston Christmas Lights

The Magic of Christmas Comes to Kingston on Dec. 6

In December, night comes earlier, temperatures are colder and lights cast halos in the mist. Sounds are muffled as people file off the Kingston ferry, mesmerized by the iridescent world of exotic sea creatures and spellbinding aquatic gardens, all made out of tiny … read more


Wild Turkeys

The Wild Turkey: Our Real National Bird

According to Benjamin Franklin, the wild turkey would have been a more fitting symbol for our young country than the bald eagle. Franklin thought the eagle a “good-for-nothing” scavenger. The wild turkey, on the other hand, was intelligent, a formidable opponent and able … read more


Donkey Creek

Take a Peek in Donkey Creek

Each year, thousands of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) return from feeding in the open ocean to the stream they hatched three to five years earlier. In Gig Harbor, the chum salmon migration takes place in the late fall and early winter, long after … read more


Red Robin in Silverdale

Local Law Enforcement Officers Gear Up for ‘Tips’

There are new servers in town — at least on one very special day. Ever dreamt of giving an order to a cop and not getting a ticket? For that one day, only guests at a local restaurant can do just that — … read more


Galaxy Theatre

Gig Harbor Film Festival Returns Oct. 16-19

The 7th annual Gig Harbor Film Festival returns to Galaxy Theatre on Oct. 16-19, 2014. Highlights of the Gig Harbor Film Festival include the Oct. 16 Opening Night and Gala, featuring the film “Frank vs. God” at the Canterwood Golf and Country Club. … read more


My 15-year-old cousin, Allison, visited from southern California in August and got hooked on picking chanterelles.

Finding Gold in the Forest: Chanterelle Mushrooms

Walking gingerly, I trained my eye for the golden color that is so easily mistaken for leaves or bare sticks. It was early September, and there was a recent rain, so my mother and I were out on the mossy slopes of a … read more


Gig Harbor's Cider Swig

Gig Harbor’s Cider Swig Is Counting on Hard Cider’s Resurgence

Discriminating drinkers, get your taste buds ready and head to Gig Harbor on Sept. 27 for Cider Swig — a new event that will feature about a dozen hard cider producers from our region, bringing a total of more than 50 types of … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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