Tag: things to do


doctor patient research

How an Ounce of Prevention Can Save Your Life

The rising health risks associated with our overplanned, busy lifestyles have become common knowledge in the popular press over the last 10 years. It is well advertised that Americans are more overweight than other developed countries, with 39.8 percent of adults categorized as … read more

A male bushtit carries lichen for nesting material by Long Lake near Port Orchard.

The Pint-Sized Powerhouse of Structural Engineering

Small songbirds are easy to overlook. Most people will notice a bald eagle on a pole but will miss a little gray bird in a nearby shrub. In the world of birds, the largest ones will always make a lasting impression. Someone seeing … read more

garden books

Gardening Books to Read This Spring

Now that spring is officially here and all the bulbs, annuals and shrubs are planted, perhaps there is time to breathe a little between pulling weeds and watering to do some garden reading. With the Pacific Northwest being a gardener’s paradise, expertise abounds, … read more



Ideas for Simple Holiday Hams

Whether you’re new to hosting or simply looking for ideas to make Easter entertaining easier than ever, there are plenty of ways to save time and stress in the kitchen. Go with what you know. Trying out new recipes is fun, but it … read more

Gardening Made Easy for Boomers

Gardening Made Easy for Boomers

As you get older, don’t let your interest...

You’re a baby boomer. Your green thumb, and your knees and back, seem to bend with more effort. (Was 1968 really 50 years ago?) Don’t let your interest in gardening wane — gardening is important to physical and mental wellbeing as you get … read more

Design|Build 2019B

Downsizing in the Digital Age

Downsizing. Does the mere mention instill fear in your heart? It seems that the pace of life has become so frenetic that there simply isn’t time to consider, let alone implement, the process of eliminating your treasured possessions. The days of preparing for … read more


Plant Yard

Friends of the Manchester Library Plant Sale Motto: “Green is Good!”

The Friends of the Manchester Library Annual Plant Sale has always tried to make good use of our resource of community-donated plants, or what we call recycling them out into the larger community. We want to be stewards for this lovely place we … read more

AJ Heritage Tool Company

Cultivating Connections — Family’s Heritage Becomes New Venture to Help Farmers

Newcomers and longtime Kitsap residents alike can overlook some of the most treasured local assets: the hard-working farmers and their land. Tucked in here and there on back roads are families who have been in West Sound for generations farming the land, growing … read more


Asbestos House

Being Conscious of Asbestos in and Around the Home

Today we know it as a carcinogenic material, but for most of the 20th century, asbestos was praised as a “miracle mineral” that was used in a wide variety of industries and materials. It was an important addition in ships, boilers, insulation and … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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