Tag: things to do


Classic Smoked Beef Brisket

Smoking Basics for Mastering the Art of Delectable Beef

Summer weekends are all about the barbecue. Grilling has become an American staple, and many home grill masters yearn to take it to the next level, impressing their friends and families with tasty, mouthwatering smoked beef. Smoking is a timeless technique that elevates … read more


crab salad

Put a Twist on Your Next Picnic with a Crab Salad

From the trees to the breeze, picnics are a fun way your family can soak up the sunshine while enjoying a delicious and nutritious meal together. “Picnics should be a prescription for health,” said registered dietitian nutritionist and TV host Annessa Chumbley. “They … read more

Northwest Stone Sculptors Symposium

Stone Carvers in Action at Northwest Stone Sculptors Symposium

A gentle breeze wafts through the tall trees surrounding the cluster of cabins, tents and canopies in the forest not far from Port Orchard. Friendly voices are mixed with the knock and rattle of air compressors and the rat-ta-tat-tat of hammers, drills and … read more


kid safety

5 Tips for Keeping Your Young Kids Safe

We all like to think of our homes as secure havens where our families can retreat from the world in peace and comfort. While most of us do everything we can to protect our children from harm, records show that in the United … read more


(Photo courtesy Great Peninsula Conservancy)

Take a Nature Walk in One of Kitsap’s Greenspace Treasures with GPC

The Great Peninsula Conservancy (GPC) is launching an event series across Kitsap Peninsula in August. Nate Daniel, the new executive director of GPC, will lead nature tours through three well-known community greenspaces and parks: Ueland Tree Farm, Port Gamble Forest Heritage Park and … read more


"Summer on Madrona Lane," oil painting by Millard Davidson of Davidson Studios

Bainbridge Working Studios Hosts Summer Show and Sale

Four Bainbridge Island artist studios will open their doors to the public from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 9-11 as part of the Bainbridge Working Studios Annual Summer Show and Sale. A total of 13 artists will be featured at the four … read more


Photo ©FatCamera — iStock.com

5 Reasons Kids Should Play Outside More

Whether it’s dance lessons, computer projects, art class or yoga, kids these days are busy bees. And while such activities are enriching and fun, experts say that many kids aren’t spending enough time doing something much simpler and every bit as important as … read more



Where Home Greets You at the Front Door

Editor’s note: This excerpt was adapted from KariAnne Wood’s “The DIY Style Finder: Discover Your Unique Style and Decorate it Yourself,” published by Harvest House Publishers (Eugene, Oregon). Used with permission. Your entryway is the place where first impressions start. Sometimes good. Sometimes … read more


Auto Safety

5 Tire Safety Tips for Warm Weather

When it comes to staying safe on the roads — whether you’re traveling cross-country or just across town — routinely checking the condition of your tires can be imperative. While variables like road and weather conditions can also impact safety, it’s important to … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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