Tag: spring


(Photo courtesy National Garden Bureau)

Easy Ways to Create Edibles and Flowers Combinations

Peanut butter and jelly… Mac and cheese… Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds… Perfect combinations make life a little happier. Just like favorite flavors and power couples, your garden can benefit from great combinations, too. Who says veggies need to be relegated to the … read more


Delnashaugh is one of the most impressive double daffodils with its frilly petals, while early blooming Pink Pride has ruffled cups that start off apricot and gradually turn coral pink. (Photo courtesy of Longfield-Gardens.com)

Trend-Setting Daffodils for Gardens and Bouquets

Daffodils are having their day. Floral designers are opening our eyes to a world of gorgeous daffodils that extends far beyond the iconic yellow trumpets. These unexpected varieties include doubles, bi-colors and split cups, in colors such as creamy white, peach, pink, gold … read more



Spring Cleaning Tasks You Might Have Missed

Every year, as the flowers begin to pop up, the grass gets greener and the birds start tweeting, thoughts turn to shedding the drudge of winter, cleaning up the house and enjoying spring. While annual spring cleaning is a ritual many observe, there … read more



Spring Cleaning for Spring Allergies

As days grow longer and new blooms appear, it can only mean one thing: Spring is here and with it comes the task of spring cleaning. For people with allergies, spring cleaning does more than spruce up a home. When done correctly, it … read more

garden books

Gardening Books to Read This Spring

Now that spring is officially here and all the bulbs, annuals and shrubs are planted, perhaps there is time to breathe a little between pulling weeds and watering to do some garden reading. With the Pacific Northwest being a gardener’s paradise, expertise abounds, … read more


spring flowers

Usher in Springtime with 5 Simple Spring-Cleaning Tips

Welcome to springtime! The official first day of spring is March 20, but in my mind, there are two signs the season has changed. One, the first daffodil has poked its head up. Two, I have an urge to open my doors to … read more


umbrella girl

5 Tips to Keep Allergy Sufferers from Dreading Spring

From flowers poking through the ground to ditching winter parkas, it’s easy to look forward to spring. Unless, of course, you have allergies. Then, the path to warmer weather and additional daylight could be marked with watery eyes, sneezing and a runny nose. … read more

Valley Nursery
Spotlight on Independent Nurseries

Poulsbo’s Valley Nursery

One of the first sights you will see as you arrive at Valley Nursery in Poulsbo is a statue that a local wood carver made in the late 1980s. This mascot was named as the result of a contest and has been known … read more

Orange-crowned warbler bathing (Photo courtesy Richard Perkins)

Name that Warbler — Heralding the Arrival of Spring

Warbler watching in West Sound country can’t compete with what the eastern portion of North America enjoys, but we do have several special warbler species. Not only do warblers move into the Northwest with spring’s arrival, some have been brightening the winter landscape. … read more

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