Tag: plants

Iris ‘Eye of the Tiger’

Beyond the Bearded Iris

Thou are the iris, fair among the fairest Who, armed with golden rod And winged with the celestial azure, bearest The message of some god… ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfelllow When mentioning an iris, the most common image conjured up in mind is the … read more


victory gardens

Want to Plant a Climate Victory Garden?

U.S. gardeners have planted more than 8,000 “climate victory gardens,” according to Green America, which promotes these climate-friendly garden. The nonprofit maintains an interactive map that allows members of the public to register their own gardens. COVID-19 triggered a surge in new climate … read more

Dicentra ‘Ruby Gold’

Dream Big — with New Plant Introductions

With the Northwest Flower & Garden Festival canceled for 2021, and with a few months left of rainy, cold winter to face, what’s a passionate gardener to do? Get out your paper and sharpen your pencils because it’s time to dream big. This … read more

A Classic Garden

A Classic Garden Passes On to the Future

Sometimes a garden that has been “installed” while a house is being built has an impersonal, landscaped look. Not so with this beautiful property on the banks of Bainbridge Island’s Hidden Cove. This garden reflects the aesthetics of the original owners, as they … read more


Heronswood Gardens

Heronswood Garden Turns the Reins to New Garden Director

Patrick McMillan took over garden management at Heronswood Garden, owned by the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe, from founder and renowned plantsman Dan Hinkley. McMillan takes on the role of garden director after two decades as a professor at Clemson University, 10 years as … read more


Aglaonema 'Siam Red' (Red Chinese Evergreen) is a popular low-light plant that can brighten up any space with its beautiful foliage. (Photo courtesy MelindaMyers.com)

Low Light, Low Maintenance Houseplants

Don’t let a lack of brightly lit windows stop you from gardening indoors. Include some low-maintenance, low-light houseplants and maintenance strategies to boost your success. Low-maintenance gardening starts with proper plant selection. Match the plant to the growing conditions and your gardening style. … read more

(Photo courtesy Michael Seidi Photography)
Cover Feature

SunDog Ranch

A gutsy Northwest, contemporary home with the accent...

SunDog Ranch received its occupancy permit five days before the COVID-19 lockdown began. Dean and Sherri Church, owners of Liberty Bay Auto, were both delighted and shocked to find themselves virtually home alone with their two teenage sons. Where did the contractors go? … read more

Peggy Brunton

Peggy Brunton — Imagining the Future

Bainbridge Island needs no introduction to Peggy Brunton. She is a favorite local artist whose lush, expressive canvases of acres of flowers, rowboats and water, bicycles and pies, gardens and wild bouquets record the emotional life of a magical island. She is also … read more

Ciscoe Morris

Love the Tweedle out of ‘Oh, La La!’

Garden books are often dry and read more like an encyclopedia. Yet not so with Ciscoe Morris’ book, “Oh, La La!: Homegrown Stories, Helpful Tips, and Garden Wisdom.” Well known for the tales he peppers into his garden talks, Morris has a talent … read more

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