Tag: planning


happy valentine

Create a ‘Wellness Box’ for Your Special Valentine

When you’re creating that perfect Valentine’s Day in mind this year, it’s the perfect time to keep wellness in mind. Michelle Harris, TV host of Alive & Well, recommends creating a custom wellness box for a personalized wellness experience. Harris offers the following … read more


finding funding

How to Build (or Rebuild) Your Emergency Savings

The new year provides an opportunity to reevaluate different aspects of your life, and that includes your budget and savings habits. Planning for emergencies by building  or rebuilding a savings account to withstand the unforeseen can increase confidence in your overall financial health … read more


financial checkup

Study Shows Most Americans Optimistic About a Brighter Financial Future in 2021

As you’re planning out your 2021, one more essential item to put on your list is a financial checkup. According to Fidelity Investments’ 2021 New Year Financial Resolutions Study, more than two-thirds of Americans experienced financial setbacks in 2020, often from the loss … read more


(Photo: © AnnaStills / iStock via Getty Images Plus)

Keep Your Home Network Secure with These Simple Steps

Working and learning from home is the new norm for millions of American families. They’re engaged in a daily juggling act, making sure everyone has the bandwidth and privacy to complete their work, whether it’s the latest algebra assignment or the monthly all-staff … read more


smoke alarm

3 Fire Safety Tips That Could Save Your Life

Once a house fire starts, you have three minutes or less to escape. UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute (FSRI) is encouraging you to take three critical steps to help protect yourself and your loved ones should a house fire occur. According to a … read more



Washington No. 12 State Most-Affected by Cybercrime

Cybercrime is a massive global industry, reaching $3.5 billion in damages from reported incidents in 2019. Safety.com consulted the 2019 FBI Internet Crime Report to uncover the states most affected by cybercrime. The report provides statistics for every state regarding the number of … read more



5 Things to Do Now to Get Your Home Ready for Winter

Although preparing your home for winter is a fairly consistent process year-to-year, many homes have seen significantly more use this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. If your home will serve as your office or school throughout the winter months, it’s important to address … read more



Understand Your Options when Mortgage Payment Forbearances End

The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) wants you to understand your mortgage status if you have not been making payments after being financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. For starters, make sure you know whether you are in forbearance status or … read more


electrical fires

Tips to Help Prevent Electrical Fires at Home

Electrical fires often occur unexpectedly in locations that may be hidden from view. As the second most-common type of home fire in the United States, more than 40,000 electrical fires occur in American homes every year, resulting in hundreds of deaths, over 1,000 … read more

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