Tag: planning


Understairs office

Three Golden Rules When Planning a Renovation

When planning a home-improvement project, it’s always best to do your research to ensure you know the do’s and don’ts ahead of making any final decisions. Whether you’ve just moved into a new property that needs a large structural change, or your forever … read more


Snip-n-drip irrigation systems apply water directly where it is needed and fit any garden planted in rows. (Photo courtesy of Gardener's Supply Company)

Tips for Designing and Maintaining a Low-Maintenance Garden

Don’t let your spring garden enthusiasm lead to overplanting and the creation of a summer gardening nightmare. A design with maintenance in mind and some strategic care can help reduce the time you spend managing your gardens and landscape. Consider using fewer plant … read more

Chelsea Travaglio Garden

Creating a Garden Retreat in Silverdale

As a little girl, I took great comfort in our family garden. I grew up on a small farm in Woodinville. I vividly remember taking the short walk down to the barn to say “hello” to the horses and chickens, then slowly finding … read more



Don’t Skip These Spring Home Maintenance Steps

Maintenance is an important part of home ownership, but many people delay tasks, thinking a few weeks or even months won’t do any harm. However, putting off home maintenance is risky because small issues that are simple to fix now can quickly lead … read more


green grass

Five Common Spring Lawn Care Mistakes

Longer days and bountiful sunshine mean the outdoor season has arrived. As excited as you may be to enjoy the fresh air out on your lawn, there are several spring lawn care tasks to complete first. It’s no secret that homeowners love a … read more


(Photo by Vincent van Zalinge on Unsplash)

Spring Plants for Your Dog-Friendly Garden

With spring officially here, green-fingered enthusiasts will be getting ready to fill their garden with flowers and plants galore. But while they are beautiful to look at, many common spring novelties found in gardens across the country have toxic elements that could prove … read more

Plant display at Bay Hay and Feed

West Sound Nurseries

Spring is here, which means it’s time to go on a journey around West Sound exploring our unique and wonderful garden nurseries — time to find the spring bloomers that lift the late-season garden. Let me take you on a hop-and-shop journey into … read more

Incredible Kitchens Winter/Spring 2023

Incredible Kitchens Winter/Spring 2023

The kitchen is a cornerstone in any home. It’s where we cook dinner and where we gather with friends and family. Everyone wants a beautiful kitchen, but remember, this is a functional space as well. Choose finishes and materials that will stay on … read more

Mason Bees

Mason Bees

Why We Need Solitary Pollinator Bees and How...

Exploring the beautiful Kitsap Peninsula, we can find an array of treasures in all shapes and sizes. From awe-inspiring forests to picturesque beaches and harbors, this region is a paradise for nature lovers. What we don’t often take notice of are the smaller … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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