Tag: people

Hazel Bellinger

Unsung Hero — Hazel Bellinger (and Jackson)

Assistant Spay/Neuter Coordinator (volunteer), Humane Society of Mason...

Hazel Bellinger started volunteering with the Humane Society of Mason County in August 2012 after retiring from a 35-year career with the Kitsap County 911 Center. Prior to that, she was a volunteer and then a board member at Kitsap Humane Society for … read more

So, You Live with a Messie?

So, You Live with a Messie? Tips to Help Keep the Peace

Opposites attract: Night owls marry early birds, party people partner with homebodies and we, neat freaks, just can’t live without some messies in our life. We love them: They are our partners, our children, our aging parents. They are spontaneous, funny, out-of-the-box thinkers … read more

An English Country Cottage in Hansville
Cover Feature

An English Country Cottage in Hansville

Tires crunching a tidy, graveled driveway announce one’s arrival to Roy and Barbara Wilson’s Skunk Bay home. It lies just beyond the waterside hamlet of Hansville and is nestled on about 5 acres just above the bay. Apples lay at the feet of … read more

Sharon Carr
Behind the Scenes of the Creative Process

The Greater Gig Harbor Open Studio Tour

Marking its 20th year, the Greater Gig Harbor Open Studio Tour is an opportunity to get a rare peek into a professional artist’s creative space — as well as meet other artists and purchase locally made art directly from them. This year’s tour, … read more

Polymer Clay Art - Susan Hyde in her studio where the magic takes place

Artist Interprets Color Through Polymer Clay

It’s easy to get distracted when first encountering Susan Hyde’s work. The Bremerton artist — who’s quick to say she’s really just a designer — has a signature way of creating an explosion of color in three dimensions. Your eyes may dart from … read more

Cheryl Bosley’s rain garden

Rain Garden Mentors

Rain gardens are not only a practical way to address rainwater runoff on a property but also a beautiful addition to the garden. Luckily for local gardeners, they don’t have to figure out the intricacies of a rain garden on their own — … read more

Kol Medina

Unsung Hero — Kol Medina

Executive director, Kitsap Community Foundation

Kol Medina has been serving as the executive director for Kitsap Community Foundation since 2012. Though his fingers are on nearly all the activities of the small organization, his primary role is to lead the nonprofit and serve as the spokesperson, develop partnerships … read more

Olalla Bluegrass

Olalla Bluegrass & Beyond Festival Turns 25

Every August since 1991, Olalla has brought together people of all ages from throughout West Sound — and as far away as Texas, Virginia and even Europe — to “Kick the City Off Their Shoes” at the Olalla Bluegrass & Beyond Festival. This … read more

Harmony Hill Retreat Center

Harmony Hill Retreat Center — 30 Years Young

Recalling the past, looking to the future

On a sunny day, the walk leading to Harmony Hill Retreat Center’s Great Hall offers an expansive view of Hood Canal, framed by the Olympic Mountain range. Standing before that vista, it’s easy to fill one’s twin cups of humility and inspiration while … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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