Tag: outdoors


victory gardens

Want to Plant a Climate Victory Garden?

U.S. gardeners have planted more than 8,000 “climate victory gardens,” according to Green America, which promotes these climate-friendly garden. The nonprofit maintains an interactive map that allows members of the public to register their own gardens. COVID-19 triggered a surge in new climate … read more

A fox sparrow blends in with the surrounding leaf litter as it nibbles on a sunflower seed.

A Sparrow That Stands Out While Blending In

Abbreviations abound in the world of birds. Species names are simplified with four-letter alpha codes for taking faster field notes and long names have shorter nicknames. The lingo causes confusion among even experienced birders, let alone beginners. Then there are the hard-to-discern birds … read more

Dicentra ‘Ruby Gold’

Dream Big — with New Plant Introductions

With the Northwest Flower & Garden Festival canceled for 2021, and with a few months left of rainy, cold winter to face, what’s a passionate gardener to do? Get out your paper and sharpen your pencils because it’s time to dream big. This … read more

A Classic Garden

A Classic Garden Passes On to the Future

Sometimes a garden that has been “installed” while a house is being built has an impersonal, landscaped look. Not so with this beautiful property on the banks of Bainbridge Island’s Hidden Cove. This garden reflects the aesthetics of the original owners, as they … read more


Heronswood Gardens

Heronswood Garden Turns the Reins to New Garden Director

Patrick McMillan took over garden management at Heronswood Garden, owned by the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe, from founder and renowned plantsman Dan Hinkley. McMillan takes on the role of garden director after two decades as a professor at Clemson University, 10 years as … read more

Eileen Black, a realtor with John L. Scott Real Estate Bainbridge Island, said this style of garage door is contemporary looking "but not in a way that makes the home too modern looking ... It just pulls it into the 21st century. It can really make a house stand out." (Photo courtesy Kitsap Garage Door)

The Ol’ Garage Door — From Functional to Smart and Classy

National Curb Appeal Month (apparently, it’s a thing) was in August, and this year the focus was on garage doors. And for good reason. Once the sole domain of the family car, today’s garage serves a multitude of purposes. People play in them, … read more


(Photo courtesy of Getty Images)

Four Tire Tips for Safe Winter Driving

Even the most experienced drivers can encounter challenges when driving on slick roads caused by rain, ice and snow or dealing with the impact of colder temperatures during the winter months. Inclement weather and sloppy road conditions are a factor in nearly half … read more

Kayaking on Hood Canal, Seabeck
Travel Bug

Three Cottages to Get Away, Less than Three Hours Away

Cancelled vacations. Postponed honeymoons. Delayed holidays. This is how we will remember 2020. Travel plans all for naught. As this most-memorable year draws closer to an end, it might be the right time to plan a close-to-home getaway. A weekend or longer that … read more

Male red-breasted merganser

A Bad Hair Day is Fine for This Duck

Birds come in all shapes and sizes, with adaptations specific to the habitats in which they live. Some birds reside in forests, while others are from the desert. Many wade along the water’s edge and others prefer to go swimming. Among those who … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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