Tag: nature



Finding Peace Paddling in the Rain on Liberty Bay

Have you heard the sound of raindrops on calm water? It has a soothing effect on the soul, and when you add the sound of kayak paddles gently dipping and purple martins twittering above, one gets a sense that all is right with … read more



Song Sleuth with Sibley

Wildlife Acoustics, maker of the Song Sleuth bird-identifying app, has announced the launch of a birding sweepstakes. It is presented by L.L. Bean Co., maker of outdoor wear and gear. David Sibley, renowned artist and author of “Sibley’s Guide to Birds,” is the … read more



What’s Contributing More to Climate Change, SUVs or Our Dinner Plate?

It may surprise you to learn the global impact of the humble cheeseburger. The climate impact of food has not been discussed as much as driving or deforestation, but there is an increasing awareness of the role that our food plays in climate … read more

Inside the Pacific Planetarium

The Great American Eclipse

This is a banner year for rare, once-in-a-life-time astronomical events. In February, NASA announced the discovery of seven Earth-like planets orbiting their own sun, serious evidence that life may exist in outer space. Dec. 13 will bring the king of meteor displays — … read more


Male American Goldfinch

Spotting Yellow Birds is a Treat in the Pacific Northwest

Yellow birds, or those that are almost all yellow, are rare in the Pacific Northwest but there is more than one species. The American goldfinch, state bird for Washington, is the best known and the easiest to recognize. Small numbers visit feeding stations … read more


Theler Wetlands

A Walk on the Edge for Birdwatchers

This time of the year provides some of the best birdwatching. A walk on the “edge” will produce the largest variety of bird species. Forests and heavy brush bordering fields, wetlands and other open areas create this edge effect birds are drawn to. … read more



How to Help Keep Our Streets Litter-Free

About half the litter along Kitsap County roadsides is “intentional” litter, meaning that it was the intent of the litterer to litter. The other half of the remaining litter is the result of passive or “unintentional” littering. Unsecured/undersecured vehicle loads, windblown debris from … read more


King Tides

‘Tis The Season of King Tides

The oceans that surround us would really like to leave the Earth. Only Earth’s gravitational pull keeps them here. They are always seeking another gravitational pull with which to dance. Our sun and moon are both willing partners. And dance they do. The … read more

Cedar waxwing

Nature’s Bounty in the Fall — The Table is Set for the Birds

From late summer into early fall, the wild bird population reaches its highest numbers for the year. This year’s young account for the increase. The population boom coincides with nature’s fall abundance. Many birds, including this year’s young, won’t survive the winter. Their … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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