Tag: how-tos


home office ergonomics

How to Create At-Home Workspaces to Stay Pain-Free and Productive

Millions of people transitioned into working from home to help thwart the spread of the coronavirus, and maintaining both comfort and productivity has no doubt been an issue for many. Although offices are slowly reopening, many employers will likely continue to maintain a remote … read more



Spring Cleaning Tasks You Might Have Missed

Every year, as the flowers begin to pop up, the grass gets greener and the birds start tweeting, thoughts turn to shedding the drudge of winter, cleaning up the house and enjoying spring. While annual spring cleaning is a ritual many observe, there … read more


Wonderful and Wacky Chocolate Cake

Wonderful and Wacky Chocolate Cake

I have no memory of when the Wacky Cake recipe invaded my repertoire of family favorites. My children, all now in their 50s, just remember it as always being the cake they requested for their birthday celebrations. All of them continued to bake … read more


(Photo courtesy Gardener's Supply Company)

Boost Your Landscape’s Curb Appeal in One Weekend

Create a front garden that is sure to boost your mood and welcome visitors all year round. All you need is one weekend and a bit of paint, flowers, décor and edging material to boost your landscape’s curb appeal. The Front Door Add a … read more


social distancing loneliness

5 Tips on How to Combat Loneliness During Social Distancing

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, people are staying in their homes to help prevent the spread of the disease. Feeling lonely from time to time is natural, but this unprecedented time of social distancing could lead to increased loneliness. There are … read more



What You Need to Do Before Your DIY Basement Project

Are you finally ready to get that basement completed — perhaps for a new family room or entertainment space? Before you tackle your project, experts at the Foundation Doctor say these are the things to keep in mind. … read more


don't be scammed

Mortgage Relief and COVID-19 Scams: What You Need to Know

Unfortunately, during times of hardship, families are often targeted by fraud artists attempting to take advantage of those needing assistance. The COVID-19 crisis is no exception, with many scammers pretending to extend a critical lifeline to struggling homeowners through so-called “foreclosure rescue fraud.” … read more


Pasta in a Pinch

Three Easy Pasta Recipes from Pantry Essentials

Constantly seeking out recipe-specific ingredients that may only be used once or twice can be a burden. Instead, keep your home stocked with necessities to simplify dinner prep with dishes made using common household staples. One perfect example: pastas. These recipes for Minestrone … read more


pot gardening

Victory Garden 2.0 — Growing in A Container

James H. Burdett did not address container growing in “The Victory Garden Manual,” but times were different in 1943. Today, growing edibles in containers is probably one of the fastest emerging trends. Plus, with vegetable breeders working on more compact varieties, your choices … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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