Tag: how-tos


Cracked Pot Miniature Container Gardens
Gardening With Peg

How to Create Tiny, Whimsical Gardens in Cracked Pots

Sooner or later, every gardener ends up with a few broken or cracked pottery, ceramic or clay pots. What’s a gardener to do? They’re often way too nice to throw away. My friend, Melissa Lawrence, shows us how to create beauty out of … read more


Road Trip

Getting Ready for a Road Trip

Tips for avoiding breakdowns with a pre-trip vehicle...

If your upcoming travel plans include a road trip, the last thing you want is unexpected car trouble to leave you stranded at the side of the road. A pre-trip vehicle check is the best way to ensure that your car is ready … read more


Cistus, inside and outside of a fence

Gardening Happily with Hungry Wildlife

I expect you’ve heard that the only way to protect your plants from hungry deer is a good fence. The deer in my neighborhood illustrate this point perfectly. Before I built my current fence, I kept my treasured deer “candy” covered in black … read more



A Dainty Distinctive Treat for Your Next Brunch or Bash

Forget cronuts, cake pops and cupcakes. Whether you’re planning an elegant afternoon tea or seeking an unexpected addition to your next brunch or cocktail party, there’s another chic pastry that deserves its day — the madeleine. These classic, seashell-shaped cakes were named after … read more


Pinterest Remodeling Ideas

Using Websites to Help Plan Your Building or Remodeling Project

It’s still not uncommon to meet new clients who drag in a binder of ideas, photos and notes they have been keeping for years, ready for the day when they can start their building or remodeling project. I’m guilty too — I have … read more

Get The Dirt

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Gardening Chores • Heronswood Fun • Slugs

Gardening Chores Chores is often such an unpalatable word. It seems it’s something people love to put off if they can. But for gardeners, doing chores outdoors is often delightful because it means well-spent time outside, leading to future enjoyment in the garden … read more


Greenhouse Lighting
Gardening With Peg

How to Start Veggies and Other Plants from Seeds

There are many reasons why gardeners decide to start plants from seed. It can be vegetable seeds for growing, harvesting and eating produce, or non-edible annuals to merely decorate containers and other areas of the garden or to attract pollinators. The main reason … read more

Polished concrete floor — Design by Linda Evans, CKD, CBD, CAPS
Tread on Me

Selecting the Right Flooring For Your Lifestyle and Budget

After a fresh coat of paint, the second best way to quickly transform a room is with new flooring. Stunned by today’s residential flooring options? You are not alone. So many choices, so many colors and textures too. It is easy to get … read more


Spring Maintenance

Tips for Spring Spruce-ups and Maintenance for Your Home

After a wet Washington winter, there are plenty of tasks to do to keep things in order around your home. A little routine maintenance will protect your investment and prevent more serious issues down the line. Here’s a checklist for things you should … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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