Tag: horticulture


Toddler in garden (Image by vikvarga via Pixabay)

Kids’ Garden-Themed Activities You Can Do Right Now

As we all face these unpredictable times, experts at KidsGardening created and shared these “tried and true,” plant-based activities that are joyful for any age and don’t involve any screen time. The national nonprofit reaches close to half of a million educators, parents … read more


distancing and gardening

Maintaining Wellness through Gardening in the Era of Social Distancing

Recreational, meetings and concerts are canceled. The kids are out of school and we’re being encouraged to stay home. In this time of Covid-19, here are a few suggestions from the National Garden Bureau, along with links to resources, to cultivate something good. … read more

The epithet, biloba, is Latin for two-lobed, describing the leaf that is fan-shaped and split in the middle.

A Living Fossil — Ginkgo Biloba

Once upon a prehistoric time, the deciduous Ginkgo biloba grew around the globe. When we look at this tree, we witness a living link to a primeval time, long before mammals became prolific on the planet. Under the tree’s tall canopy, the dinosaurs … read more


container gardening

Get Maximum Yield from Minimal Garden Space

Growing on a deck or balcony is a great way to bring the garden to your backdoor. You can attract butterflies and hummingbirds into easy view and grow edibles within close reach when cooking. For some, it may be the only available space … read more


Lavender Sweet Romance by Proven Winners

Make 2020 Your ‘Year of the Lavender’

The “lavender lifestyle” is real. Everywhere you look, people are incorporating this multifaceted plant into their daily lives: It’s seen in gardens, as well as in kitchens and décor. It’s even a special part of health and wellness routines. The texture, scent, attractiveness … read more

This fantastic little shrub fits into small spaces, but the flowers are as large as any other mophead hydrangea. (Photo courtesy Debbie Teashon)

New Plants for a New Year

Avid gardeners have a lot to celebrate in the New Year — a fresh garden season and innovative, new plant introductions for the garden. Here are some exciting new varieties to look for at your local garden centers. If you don’t find them … read more


Gravel Tray

Increase Indoor Garden Success with Proper Watering

Too much of a good thing can mean death for indoor plants. Overwatering is a good example of this, and a common problem for indoor gardeners. For others, it’s the opposite extreme, allowing plants to go too dry. Knowing when to water your … read more

pets and plants

How to Keep Houseplants Healthy While Keeping Pets Safe

You love them both — your pets and houseplants — but it can be challenging to safely raise them together in the same house. Reduce the risk by selecting pet-safe plants and safely managing houseplant pest problems. Avoid problems by selecting plants suited to … read more

Under the Camellia is a planting of heath (Erica), coral bells (Heuchera), ivy and blood twig dogwood (Cornus 'Midwinter Fire').

Dynamic Containers for Winter

Barely into winter, and the signs of the season are everywhere. The vibrant aspects of warmer times have left for sunnier climates. Anything left in the shadow of a sunless sky is rendered drab by the unending gloom of rain. Now that West … read more

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