Tag: home



What You Need to Do Before Your DIY Basement Project

Are you finally ready to get that basement completed — perhaps for a new family room or entertainment space? Before you tackle your project, experts at the Foundation Doctor say these are the things to keep in mind. … read more


don't be scammed

Mortgage Relief and COVID-19 Scams: What You Need to Know

Unfortunately, during times of hardship, families are often targeted by fraud artists attempting to take advantage of those needing assistance. The COVID-19 crisis is no exception, with many scammers pretending to extend a critical lifeline to struggling homeowners through so-called “foreclosure rescue fraud.” … read more

Hillside Perch
Cover Feature

A Hillside Perch for Aging in Place

The trend toward abandoning grassy front lawns in favor of perennial beds and vegetable gardening is taking hold, and none is more breathtaking than what Anne and Bob Knapp have created. Their two-story, custom home in Gig Harbor graces the irregularly shaped lot … read more


Pasta in a Pinch

Three Easy Pasta Recipes from Pantry Essentials

Constantly seeking out recipe-specific ingredients that may only be used once or twice can be a burden. Instead, keep your home stocked with necessities to simplify dinner prep with dishes made using common household staples. One perfect example: pastas. These recipes for Minestrone … read more


pot gardening

Victory Garden 2.0 — Growing in A Container

James H. Burdett did not address container growing in “The Victory Garden Manual,” but times were different in 1943. Today, growing edibles in containers is probably one of the fastest emerging trends. Plus, with vegetable breeders working on more compact varieties, your choices … read more



Garden Centers Are Open to Help You Grow Food at Home

Your local independent garden center is an essential community source providing you access to healthy, affordable food to grow at home. As an essential part of your community, garden centers are taking the required steps to serve you safely and protect their staff. … read more


replacing lightbulbs led

How to Keep Your Energy Use Healthy Too While Staying at Home

As the world works to halt the spread of the coronavirus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, states and cities are urging us to stay home whenever possible to avoid transmission of the disease. That’s leading to many changes in our lives, including how … read more

The shed and raised demo beds

Historic Homestead Becomes Home to Gardens

Imagine being a young woman in Germany in the 1890s and coming alone over the Atlantic Ocean, and across the entire continental United States, to a remote peninsula in the Pacific Northwest. That is what young Dora Gummert did when she came to … read more



12 DIY Projects You Can Get Done while Sheltering at Home

Many of us are finding ourselves with a lot of extra time on our hands while “sheltered in” at home during the coronavirus pandemic. While Netflix and puzzles are a great way to pass the days, why not dig into a few DIY … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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