Tag: home


zen woman

Tips for Dealing with Stress

Ukraine. Inflation. Pandemic. Climbing gas Prices. Climate Crisis. Every day, you turn on your TV, computer or smartphone, and you are hit with another day of endless stress-inducing news. April is Stress Awareness Month: a national, cooperative effort to inform people about the … read more

Citrus Sponge Pie
Cover Feature: Our Daily Bread

A Springtime Pie for Easter

Citrus fruits ripen in late winter but reach their juiciest best in early spring — before the temperatures get too warm and the trees set their next season of buds. Lemons are known in kitchens around the world for their ability to lighten … read more


fire safety

3 Things You Need to Do to Protect Your Family from a House Fire

Do you know what to do in case of a fire in your home? Many people take precautions such as getting home fire extinguishers or smoke alarms — but may not really be prepared for a fire. A recent study showed that while … read more



Recipe for Simple Macaroons

When celebrating with family, there is nearly nothing better than passing a light and sweet dessert around the table. These Simple Macaroons are crisp, dipped in decedent chocolate and completely scrumptious. Simple to make and easy to eat, this sweet dessert is a … read more


Biophilia: Incorporating Healthy, Natural Concepts Into Your Design

From neighborhood grocery stores to local nurseries and your own backyard, plants bring comfort and health. They bring sensory gifts that you may miss or take for granted in your spinning days’ activities. The physical and spiritual value of plants is part of … read more


Test your new or existing home for radon. It's crucial and easy to do. (©Ridofranz/iStock via Getty Images Plus)

What You Need to Know About Radon Exposure

Radon is present at high levels in a surprisingly large number of American homes, schools and other buildings. While this naturally occurring gas is odorless, tasteless and colorless, it’s far from harmless. Experts are raising awareness about the serious health risks associated with … read more


bonus room

5 Design Ideas for the Bonus Room in Your Home

Extra square footage in your home is prized real estate, but sometimes your house has a space that you don’t always know how to use. Whether it’s a pseudo-room with no actual door or an alcove with only three walls, you may be … read more

Home Wellness Design

Supporting Health and Wellness by Combining Accessible Design with Comfort and Sustainability (Part 1)

Editor’s note: In this multipart article, we examine what is likely to become an enduring trend — health and wellness — and how it’s impacted by the decisions you make about your home environment. What does the combination of accessible design, comfort and … read more


apple cake

Apple Cake Recipe to Add a Little Sweetness to Any Occasion

It’s almost impossible to beat the combination of sweet fruit and decadent desserts. This delicious recipe for apple cake highlights the crisp fruit but also the cinnamon sugar-flavored pastry. It’s luscious but doesn’t overdo it on the sweet meter with just the right … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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