Tag: gardening


Sweet Potato Basil Casserole

Savor the Basil Season with Sweet Potato Basil Casserole

There’s a lot of basil out there this time of the year, but it has reached the end of the season. Folks are scrambling to use and process the fresh aromatic leaves — drying and making yummy basil butter and pesto concoctions. Basil … read more


Eco-lawns include wildflowers, such as English daisies.

Want Carefree Gardening? Tips for Ecolawns and Other Low-Maintenance Ideas

We all would like to have a beautifully landscaped yard that we can take time to enjoy. Some people love to putter in the garden and are proud of their artistic endeavors. Whether you enjoy it or not, many garden chores take a … read more


Tomato Samples

Annual Event Brings a Celebration of Tomatoes

Mid-September brings a bounty of tomatoes to harvest and there is no better place to experience the many flavors than at Brothers Greenhouses Annual Tomato Tasting event in Port Orchard, not far from the Bremerton National Airport on South 3. Fifty tomato varieties … read more


Gardening With Peg
Gardening With Peg

Vegetables to Plant Now for Winter Harvest

In the West Sound growing climate, gardeners can often plant seeds and starts in July through September for late fall, winter and sometimes even early spring harvest. The most important thing to remember is soil temperatures and how much water is needed. Many … read more

Kitsap County Boys and Girls Canning Clubs, aboard the U.S.S. Nevada, October 25th, 1923. (Turner Photo)
WSU Kitsap Extension

Celebrating a Rich History of Outreach Education

On many a sunny, misty or downright rainy day in Kitsap County, you can see a group of kindred spirits bent over a Master Gardener (MG) demonstration garden — planting, weeding, irrigating and harvesting. They are carrying on a rich tradition of outreach … read more

WSU Kitsap Extension

Community Education Opportunities

Lifelong Learning in the West Sound

Salmon Stewards Oct. 10, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Norm Dicks Government Center Cost: $10 Learn about salmon habitat, life cycle and species in the Puget Sound. Ecologically, traditionally and commercially important, salmon are iconic in our region and influence how we manage … read more


Easy Summer Salsa

How to Make an Easy Summer Salsa from Fresh Ingredients

Great summer weather equals great vine-ripened tomatoes, and this summer is the poster child for both. Even if you aren’t growing your own tomatoes, you can find beautiful, local and delicious tomatoes ready to eat now at your local farmers market and store. … read more

Get The Dirt — Crows

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Crows • Fall Chores and Plantings • Classes...

Crows Fall is the time when days are shorter and fall-colored foliage and decorations abound. It’s also a time of dormancy and death when annual plants die and decompose into great soil, while other plants enter a long sleep, storing energy for next … read more


Waxy Breakdown of Garlic

Waxy Breakdown of Garlic

I love “Aha!” moments. I recently had one regarding the mysteries of garlic in storage. I had noticed that some years, my garlic stored without any trouble, lasting well into the summer, while other times many of the cloves shriveled up and were … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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