Tag: gardening

The Garden of Bill and Arlene West

A Garden of Exceptional Skill and Imagination

The mystical, magical garden created by Arlene and Bill West inspires awe and an explosion of ideas in the minds of all who visit. Solutions for gardening in “next-to-impossible” places, intermingled with expressive, original and imaginative garden art could fill a book. Here … read more



‘Backyarding’ Trends to Watch in 2022

“Backyarding,” the trend to move indoor activities outdoors that was made popular during the pandemic, is here to stay and will continue to expand this year, according to the TurfMutt Foundation, an environmental education and stewardship program that encourages outdoor living and caring … read more


Plants Deer Don’t Eat (The World’s Shortest List)

She tiptoed across my yard on slender legs. Pausing demurely, she batted her big, doe eyes at me. Such a pretty thing. Such grace. I wanted to be her friend. “Have an apple,” I said, and shook the tree until apples rained down. … read more


Over Watering

10 Gardening Gaffes to Avoid

What’s the difference between a new gardener and an experienced one? The experienced gardener has killed way more plants, the saying goes. That truism speaks to the fact that gardening is a highly trial-and-error venture — and one where some plants are just … read more


curb appeal

Five Tips for Improving Your Home’s Curb Appeal

It’s no secret that the U.S. housing market is booming right now. According to realtor.com, “strong demand and insufficient supply pushed home prices up at a record-breaking 16.6% pace. The combination of historically low mortgage rates, businesses reopening and the lifting of pandemic … read more

Coleus Terra Nova ‘Peach Julep’ (Photo courtesy of Terra Nova Nurseries)

New Year, New Plants, New Joy

“She sprouted love like flowers, grew a garden in her mind, and even on the darkest days, from her smile the sun still shined.” ~ Erin Hanson January is not just about resolutions. It is the beginning of a new year, new plants … read more


Snow and Ice Tips

Tips for Protecting Your Yard from Snow and Ice This Winter

More people are extending their outdoor time in the winter by adding fire pits, outdoor heaters, and other features. Even in the wintertime, it’s important to take care of your yard. The TurfMutt Foundation, an environmental education and stewardship program that encourages outdoor … read more


Artificial lights ensure herbs receive enough bright light to successfully grow indoors. (Photo courtesy of Gardener's Supply Company/gardeners.com)

Grow Herbs Indoors for Year-round Enjoyment

Add garden fresh flavor to your meals year-round. Grow a few of your favorite herbs indoors, harvest and enjoy. Select a variety of herbs you and your family enjoy and use for cooking, decoration or fragrance. Basil, chives, cilantro, oregano, marjoram, mint, parsley, … read more

Watering can

Gifts for the Gardener

‘Tis the (shopping) season! And if you have a gardener on your shopping list for the holidays, you will have an easy time finding all sorts of wonderful presents. When the celebratory season is over and the chilly, damp reality of winter in … read more

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