Tag: garden

Variegated lacecap hydrangea

All About Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are a no-fail shrub for Northwest gardens. Flower colors include white, pink, blue and lilac. A few are actually called “red” but the color is more an intense pink segueing into claret. Flowers can begin in shades of green, turning to deep … read more

The New Victory Gardens

The New Victory Gardens

Victory gardens during World War I and II sprouted up on any vacant lot, in front and back yards and anywhere there was a spot to grow nutritious fruit and vegetables. Today a new movement is underway to grow victory gardens once again. … read more

A hoop house gives peppers and tomatoes a faster start and some extra heat at the Blueberry Park P-Patch in Bremerton.
Step-by-Step Instructions

Extending the Season With a Hoop House

Hoop houses are a simple tool to improve success with year-round vegetable gardening in the Pacific Northwest. Constructed of basic, inexpensive materials and with the potential for easy relocation, hoop houses are essentially mini-greenhouses that anyone can build and utilize. And like a … read more

Fuchsia "Santa Claus"

Gardening for the Nectar-Fueled Flying Machines

A hummingbird darts about the garden, its long, willowy tongue flicking in and out of its beak in anticipation of the honey-sweet nectar. The miniature acrobat flies around, occasionally coming to a standstill in midair, its wings moving so fast, they disappear from … read more


Greening The Indoors

Gardeners can still get their plant fix during the winter months. It’s a great time to explore the world of indoor houseplants. It’s also a time to purchase a few usually outdoor culinary plants to brighten up a sunny windowsill or kitchen counter. … read more

Blue fescue, purple salvia, yarrow, Russian sage and other low-growing plants mingle in the front garden. (Photo courtesy Colleen Miko)
The Clark Family Garden

Outdoor Living Manette Style

The buzz phrase in landscape design these days is outdoor living — creating garden “rooms” that effectively extend living space beyond the home. The Clarks have mastered this concept in the redesign of their yard, a project started a decade ago. This is … read more

Magical and Magnificent Woodland Garden

The Magical and Magnificent Woodland Garden of Bill and Arlene West

The husband and wife team of Bill and Arlene West has created a magical, wonderful piece of paradise in the Ridgetop area of Central Kitsap. Their mostly shady garden is luxuriously green, overflowing with every kind of tree, shrub and perennial imaginable. Mature … read more

Clematis Kassia

When Short on Garden Space, Grow Up with Clematis

If you are short on garden space, clematis, the diva of the perennial vines, adds lively impact without taking up too much premium ground space. Be aware, when these divas open their petals in your garden, it is easy to succumb to their … read more

Debbie Teashon's Rainy Side Garden

Debbie Teashon’s Rainy Side Garden

Jefferson Beach photographer, writer and gardener Debbie Teashon personifies the term “rainy side gardener,” which happens also to be the name of her popular website. Teashon lived in Marysville on the east side of Puget Sound and had a successful photography career, along … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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