Tag: garden


potato leek soup
In the Market Now

Storage Potatoes and Fresh-Dug leeks

Leeks are the vegetable auntie of the family allium. They are easy to grow from seed or to transplant in the late-spring garden from sprouts, Leeks are long growing and don’t mind being in the ground for a long time. They are often … read more

Figs, dahlias and peaches, oh my!

Bainbridge Bounty

On a quiet street in the middle of Bainbridge Island, Darren and Kari Murphy have sprouted a garden filled with fruit trees, grapes and vegetables of all sorts. While not a rare sight, theirs exudes an underlying passion for heirloom and unusual varieties … read more


From the Garden to the Party

From the Garden to the Party

Make every meal a special event by bringing the garden to the table. Serve your favorite dishes made from homegrown ingredients. Then allow guests to add their own herbal seasonings right from the garden or container. Start by growing the ingredients for your … read more

Salad mix

Ambergardens Provides Food for Body and Soul

Life’s journeys are unpredictable. People’s interests and talents steer them down a path that may seem pretty clear, but life will always offer up some crossroads and detours to spice things up. Laura Ambers Pittman-Hewitt started out on an artistic path, studying music … read more


Grace Episcopal Church Labyrinth

The Meditation Labyrinths of Kitsap County

Overlooking a bluff with a view of Puget Sound, Bainbridge Halls Hill Labyrinth and its Community Tibetan Prayer Wheel is a peace-filled oasis of Asian-themed landscaping complementing an artist-built labyrinth and hand-cast bronze prayer wheel. Not easy to find if you don’t know the … read more


Butterfly bush

What West Sound Landowners Need to Know About Noxious Weeds

As a gardener and homeowner, I consider myself a steward of the environment, and with that comes the responsibility of choosing plants for my home landscape that are not invasive or noxious. Noxious weeds are non-native plants that were introduced in the State … read more

Garden Capers
Cover Feature

Garden Capers

The Fox Island Home and Garden of Lucinda...

Some homes nestle quietly into their surroundings and appear as if they have been there for centuries. Tudor-style architecture is neither particularly rare nor common in the Northwest, and occasionally one stumbles upon a home that simply speaks to the heart. Such is … read more


Northwest Grown Produce
In the Market Now

Northwest Grown Produce

Wet, blustery days in February do not usually bring to mind fields of fresh root vegetables or greenhouses filled with herbs and greens. But in the Northwest, farmers work year round to bring these foods to our tables. Although you cannot usually source … read more

Debbie Mihali's small greenhouse produces delicious tomatoes and more all winter long.

Winter Kitchen Gardens

Keeping it Green Both Outdoors and Indoors

“Shall I not have intelligence with the earth? Am I not partly leaves and vegetable mould myself?” ~ Henry David Thoreau Ever since people stopped wandering and put down roots, there has been a special place set aside from which they cultivated herbs, … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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