Tag: flowers

Tips for Creating an Ageless Garden

Tips for Creating an Ageless Garden

How can we create an “ageless” garden to stand the test of time through our entire gardening lifetime? Here are a few quick ideas to consider incorporating into your garden’s overall design. Choose wide paths (4-6 feet wide). Choose smooth or compact permeable … read more

Tips for Planting Out of Season

Tips for Planting Out of Season

Normally, the best time of the year to plant any plant, including our native plants, is during the dormant season. In Western Washington, that time is generally late October through early February. Fall planted plants have a longer time to take advantage of … read more

Tulipa 'Ballade Dream'

Too Many Bulbs — Not Enough Time

No project ever seems to be without a glitch, and for me fall bulb-planting season is filled with a series of glitches and hurdles in a race against time. Yet at the end of summer, I am ready to face the season of … read more


Red Plantation

Poulsbo’s Red Plantation is a Journey in Inspiration

In the charming little Nordic village of Poulsbo, you can find everything from Krumkake irons to Lefse paddles. You can also enjoy delicious scones and the original Poulsbo bread. Poulsbo definitely is the Kitsap Peninsula’s “Little Norway,” where you can buy a Scandinavian … read more

Barbara and Dave Shoaf — Garden Paradise

Barbara and Dave Shoaf — Garden Paradise

The hillside gardens of Barbara and Dave Shoaf offer a glimpse of paradise to every visitor. When the North Kitsap couple retired from spending their lives and careers in Phoenix, Ariz., they knew exactly where they wanted to move. In fact, they had … read more

Smooth as Glass

Create Your Own Glass Garden Terrarium

Terrariums are back! Introduced in 1831 for Victorian parlors and popular again in the 1970s, covered glass containers are an attractive way to display plants while providing the humidity that is difficult otherwise to maintain indoors. While a terrarium normally refers to a … read more

Mosaic Flower Pot: Materials
Sweeten The Pot

Step By Step Instructions to Make a Mosaic Planter

This project is the ideal introduction to the craft of mosaics. Making a mosaic flowerpot utilizes the skills required for a larger composition, without the risk of spending much on tools that might not be used again. And a mosaic planter doesn’t need … read more


Late summer border bloomers, upright sedum and Japanese Anemone

A Few Tasks for the Dog Days of a Summer Garden

As you stroll through the garden in the heat of the day, plants don’t seem to have that oomph they had in the spring. Some say it’s just too hot to garden and are waiting for fall planting time to even think about … read more

'Major' kaffir lily complemented by 'Pink Panther' Phormium and autumn leaves of oakleaf Hydrangea
Unusual Perennials for Cutting

Flower Power

Fresh floral arrangements make a statement. Whether composed of a single, stunning blossom or multihued, full and brimming with petals, a bouquet says that you care about the details and flourishes that make a house a home. And to guests, flowers are a … read more

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