Tag: diy tips


Caramel Sticky Rolls

Caramel Sticky Rolls Recipe for Your Weekend Breakfast

There are no alarms set and you are cuddled up in bed after a good night’s sleep. It’s late morning and there is nowhere to go, no rushing around to do. No school bus, no work to be done, just relaxing at home … read more



Budgeting with the ’50/20/30′ Rule

We just finished the first quarter of 2022. Did you start a budget? If not, don’t make it too complicated. The most important part of preparing a budget is getting started. You can track your spending with Quicken, Mint, Excel or paper and … read more


The author's Tesla Model Y

A Tesla Owner’s Take on Whether Owning an Electric Vehicle Makes Sense

If you are expecting a dialogue bashing the internal combustion vehicle or touting the electric vehicles as the savior of our planet, I’m afraid you are in for a disappointment. My decision to purchase an EV was purely a matter of convenience and … read more

Teri Cole
Teri's Tips

Glorious Sweet Peas

The sweet pea, Lanthyrus odoratus, is a flowering plant in the genus lathuyrus in the family fabaceae, native to Sicily, southern Italy and the Aegean Islands. It’s an annual climbing plant growing to a height of 1 to 2 meters, where suitable support … read more



Recipe for Prosciutto and Parmesan Egg Cups

Lean into the spring season with a creative recipes like Prosciutto and Parmesan Egg Cups to take brunch to the next level. As a natural source of vitamins and minerals, eggs are a delicious protein powerhouse with just 70 calories per large egg. … read more


regrow vegetables

Fighting Food Waste Using Circular Economy

It’s 2022, and food waste in the United States is at an all-time high. Meanwhile, a whopping 690 million people worldwide, or 8.7%, are undernourished. That’s still fewer hungry people than it was over 20 years ago, but nevertheless, far too many mouths … read more


pound cake

Satisfy Cake Cravings with a Brunch-Worthy Dessert: Brown Sugar Pound Cake

Whether your brunch feast consists of bacon and eggs, pancakes and waffles or a combination of favorites, you can cap it off with a sweet treat for the perfect ending. After all, no celebration is complete without dessert. Once the table is cleared … read more


zen woman

Tips for Dealing with Stress

Ukraine. Inflation. Pandemic. Climbing gas Prices. Climate Crisis. Every day, you turn on your TV, computer or smartphone, and you are hit with another day of endless stress-inducing news. April is Stress Awareness Month: a national, cooperative effort to inform people about the … read more

Citrus Sponge Pie
Cover Feature: Our Daily Bread

A Springtime Pie for Easter

Citrus fruits ripen in late winter but reach their juiciest best in early spring — before the temperatures get too warm and the trees set their next season of buds. Lemons are known in kitchens around the world for their ability to lighten … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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