Tag: brandpoint


insurance planning

9 Things You Can Do Now to Prepare for a Disaster

Are you prepared if a disaster were to hit? If you aren’t, making sure to prioritize this initiative for you and your family is smart. Disasters don’t plan ahead, but you can. Here are nine things you can do now to ensure you … read more


Classic Smoked Beef Brisket

Smoking Basics for Mastering the Art of Delectable Beef

Summer weekends are all about the barbecue. Grilling has become an American staple, and many home grill masters yearn to take it to the next level, impressing their friends and families with tasty, mouthwatering smoked beef. Smoking is a timeless technique that elevates … read more


kid safety

5 Tips for Keeping Your Young Kids Safe

We all like to think of our homes as secure havens where our families can retreat from the world in peace and comfort. While most of us do everything we can to protect our children from harm, records show that in the United … read more


(Photo courtesy YMCA of the USA)

Tips for Staying Safe Around the Water

Summer means that more children spend time in and around water areas such as pools, lakes and oceans. Like many parents, you worry about your children’s safety around water, no matter how old they are. According to the CDC, drowning is the leading … read more



How to Prepare for Your Next Road Trip

Almost 100 million Americans will go on a family vacation sometime this year, and nearly half of them will choose to make it a road trip, according to AAA. If your family is one of them, you’ll want to be sure to make … read more



What to Do When Your Tire Fails on the Road

As seasons change and temperatures rise, so do the number of tire blowouts around the country. The truth is a blowout can happen anywhere and at any time. Tire failures put drivers in an unexpected, frightening and dangerous situation. And, while it’s an … read more


National Poppy Day

National Poppy Day marks the 100th anniversary of ‘The Poppy Lady’

One hundred years ago, a selfless, young school teacher with a big heart and unwavering commitment to our nation’s veterans started a national movement that continues today — brightening the lives of those who served our nation. During its 100th anniversary this year, … read more



The Thrill of the Grill — Why Do You Do It?

Americans have a long-standing love affair with grilling. This relationship started many years ago. Our ancestors first learned to cook over an open flame, and today grilling has become a year-round lifestyle choice, with many preferring to cook outdoors on the grill. Why … read more


boot cleats

Mayo Clinic’s 10 Tips for Avoiding Falls

During the winter season, you may need to pay closer attention to watching your step. But fall prevention is something you should work on year-round. Even if you’re active, healthy and full of life, statistics show that you have a greater chance of … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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